Bowen therapists helping to kiss your pain Good Bye

Embrace Bowen Therapy and Gently Kiss Your Pain Goodbye

Bowen therapy, developed by an Australian named Thomas Bowen in 1950s, is very successful

in treating all kinds of pains, ranging from migraines, sports injuries, neck and back pains, ankle and foot aches to disorders like asthma and other respiratory disorders, menstrual problems, and fertility problems.

You might be surprised to learn that the Bowen therapist accomplishes all of the above-mentioned feats simply by gently moving his/her fingers over some specific points on your body.

On the surface, Bowen therapy doesn’t look like much: the therapist just touches your body and then moves out of the room to allow the body relax and enter a ‘healing mode’.

If it’s your first session and you’ve not seen it work on someone else, it all might seem like gobbledygook to you and you might think, ‘Oh sure, and all this is going to get rid of the pain!’
But then you experience a steady relaxation in your body and feel the pain subside. As you take 2–3 more sessions of Bowen therapy, you realize that the pain that had been disrupting your life since a long time is almost gone! 4–6 sessions are enough to get complete pain relief from most pains.

Bowen therapy works wonders because it is not an acupressure or chiropractic technique and involves no forcing or manipulation. When the Bowen therapist touches specific points in the body, the body is deeply relaxed and oxygen circulation increases. The body enters a ‘healing mode’ and releases harmful toxins and fluids, getting rid of all the pain in the process.

Kill Migraine Permanently—You Just Need A Few Sessions of Bowen Therapist

Bowen therapists helping cure migraine

Waves of pulsating, throbbing pain grip a part of your head and make you want to bang your head against a wall. There is no apparent reason why you should be its victim; it just comes on its own volition, as if out of thin air, and messes up your day. You open the cupboard or purse and deploy your weapons—painkillers—and hope it will go away.
But you know that that might not have much effect. You have tired a number of medicines and therapies, found temporary relief, but migraine always comes back with a vengeance. So, you summon your inner stoic; don’t even try to grin, just sit and bear the pain in silence.
Bowen therapy can not only drastically reduce the frequency of migraines, it can also make the migraines disappear completely. I know it’s a rather bold statement, and you might think, ‘I’ve heard many say that and now I know it for the lie it is.’
But I stick to my assertion because it is true: Bowen therapy works wonders even for people suffering from frequent chronic migraines. The Bowen therapist’s gentle rolling movements on specific muscles and fascia relax your nervous system and stimulate your healing system.

Bowen therapist helping cure Asthama

Bowen Therapy Very Effective in Treating Asthma and Other Respiratory Problems

Respiratory problems like asthma cause a lot of pain and discomfort to people suffering from
it. Asthma is not a major disease, but if not managed properly it can even cause death. Little
children, old people, and people with a weak immune system are highly prone to Asthma. An
Asthmatic condition may cause severe coughing in the night and early morning; inflammation in
airways makes breathing difficult and causes short breathing.

The simplest way of avoiding asthmatic attacks is to keep away from allergens like cat fur, dust,
or cigarette smoke, but that’s not so easy. Usually, asthma sufferers depend on inhaled steroids
to avoid, or find relief from, asthmatic attacks. Bowen therapy provides a better and more
wholesome option.

Tom Bowen’s (Founder of Bowen therapy) wife suffered from asthma and had to be hospitalized
following a respiratory problem. Tom Bowen used a series of gentle ‘moves’ on particular parts
of her body to cure the asthmatic condition. It worked so well she never had to be hospitalized

Bowen therapy for asthmatics involves just a series of simple ‘moves’, mostly on the back
and the stomach. As the therapy does not make use of heavy pressure, it can be safely used
on asthmatics. Most sufferers feel relief from the tightness and heaviness in the chest and
experience a feeling of general well-being after just one or two sessions.

If asthma or other respiratory problems are stopping you from enjoying your life to the fullest, go
for Bowen therapy and breathe a sigh of relief.

Tsunami threats to Australia

WHOLE towns in northern Japan have been swept away by a monster 10m tsunami triggered by the worst earthquake in the country's history. 

BBC says Australia on high risk verge of getting Tsunami. Please call Tsunami Number for more info -
1300 TSUNAMI (1300 878 6264)

Visit this Government Link for more info -  

Bowen therapists, bowen therapy - some good to know info here !

Have you ever heard about Bowen Therapy? A lot has been said and written about this issue, but many people are not aware of what it is, what it does or how it operates.
However, if you are not aware about it, Bowen Therapy is a type of pain relief and healing method that takes the holistic approach that which incorporates many dimensions.  You might be wondering how long this healing method has been used in the world today. Research shows that Bowen therapy has been in operation for over 50 years and its results are evident all over the world.
How does it work? Bowen Therapy is mainly use as a healing technique to heal the face by arousing the receptors. It is a technique, which is used to rectify and restore the functions and balance of homeostasis of the body system.
If you are suffering from any painful conditions, Bowen therapy is the solution especially for treating the causes of fascias dysfunctions for faster pain relief.
It does not matter where your pain is or what you are suffering from, Bowen therapy is the best healing technique for healing the effects of pain. It is the best method you can use to heal the body from emotional pains, stress and physical pain.
You can join hundreds of other people who have benefited from the fascia treatment by using this technique. It is the only best method used to treat the entire body system, include the veins, bones, arteries, muscles and nerves. It is done through gentle massage done through a light touch.

Bowen therapist and frozen shoulder

Suffering From Frozen Shoulder? Bowen Therapy Can Provide Lasting Relief
There is no clear reason why some people develop frozen shoulder; some develop it after a traumatic injury to shoulder, but for most others frozen shoulder comes as a painful surprise. The shoulder joint becomes stiff and scarred, shoulder movement is restricted and you feel a lot of pain and discomfort.
When you are suffering from frozen shoulder, the tendency is to just take a painkiller and wait for the pain to subside. But it can get a lot worse. For most people frozen shoulder means a prolonged period of pain and stiffness. You may have to go for physical therapy, steroid injections to the shoulder, or even undergo a surgery in extreme cases.
But there is no reason why you should just grin and bear for a long time. A Bowen therapy study published by Dr. Bernie Carter at the Metropolitan university of Manchester showed dramatic improvement in the condition of people suffering from frozen shoulders after 3–6 sessions.
The study, which involved 20 participants, showed that Bowen therapy was very effective on patients with a recent frozen shoulder as well as those having long-standing condition. At the end of the treatment, 70% of the participants got back full mobility and pain relief, while 80% reported significant drop in pain.
Bowen therapy is gentle and non-intrusive therapy and it stimulates the body’s own healing mechanism. If you are suffering from a frozen shoulder, avoid treatments that do further violence to your body. Try Bowen
herapy and you will experience considerable pain relief in the very first sitting.Go Bowen therapist.

Try Bowen Therapy to get immediate relief from back pain

 Bowen, Bowen therapy -

Most of us experience back pain at some or other time in our lives. Sedentary lifestyles that involve sitting in front of a computer for eight or more hours a day are to blame for most of our back pains. And if your back gets injured once, it is very difficult to cure it completely: a slight pain always remains and a slightest jerk or overstretching can bring the old pain back.

If you are suffering from a chronic or acute back pain, the worst thing you can do is take painkillers—they do not kill the pain, they just numb it. Other therapies can give some relief over a long period of time, but cannot cure the pain completely. Your best bet in case of back pain due to bad posture or injury is to visit the nearest Bowen therapist.

Bowen therapy, which involves only a gentle touch of the fingers on particular points, gives complete relief from back pain almost immediately. You would need 2–3 sittings, each lasting 30–45 minutes, but most people feel a miraculous relief from pain by the end of their very first sitting. 

The gentle and precise rolling moves of the Bowen therapist’s fingers over different points all over your back, hamstring, shoulders, buttocks, and knees generate healthy responses from the body. This holistic approach helps your body get in tune with itself and destroys the root cause of your back pain and.

You don’t have to learn to live with your back pain; 2–3 sittings of Bowen therapy can free you from it.

 Go Bowen, Bowen Therapy, All local bowen therapists.

How Bowen Therapy Can Cure Neck Pain

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There are various ways therapeutic ways out there that promise to get rid of your pain effectively. However, none of these holds the same effective promise of cure as the Bowen Therapy method.

Bowen therapy has been described in the past as a powerful and simple technique that helps not only to reduce all kinds of pain but to effectively relieve the patient from all their pain. This technique was developed by Tom Bowen. What differentiates this kind of technique from other therapy methods such as acupressure or massage is that Bowen Therapy is very gentle and can be used on literally anyone from the elderly to newborn infants. Instead of using conventional methods such as adjustment, manipulation or exerting force, Bowen Therapy practitioners, use fingers (especially the thumbs), to move gently tissues and muscles. What is peculiar about this technique is that between every set of moves, the practitioner leaves the room.

This is done in order to offer long lasting and rapid relief from discomfort and pain. This method has proven very popular in recent times due to success stories that have materialized from a couple of treatments usually around 2 or 3 at the most. One thing that is to note here, is that even though it is very effective, it is not meant to replace medical treatment. Worth noting here is the fact that an increasing number of medical practitioners have continued to recommend it due to its amazingly wonderful results.

Neck pain, has been one of the many ailments that Bowen Therapy has been proven to heal. Most people, in trying to reduce neck pain they suffer from, rub the neck. However, instead of the expected relief, they end up getting hounded by more pain. This is because the neck is made up of a complex network of numerous muscles. By using Bowen Therapy however, they are able to entirely get rid of the pain. When dealing with neck pain, Bowen Therapy is used in 6 steps. By following these guidelines you will make part of the many success stories that have proven Bowen Therapy to be a successful technique for treating chronic pain.

The first thing that you need to do is, use the flat part of the thumb or middle finger to move forward over the Scalenus muscle (found at the base of your neck). This forms the first and second steps.

The next step involves, moving the right side of the Trapezius muscle after moving the right side. The exact position should be directly below the rear protrusion of the skull and close to the mid-neck. Remember that these moves are not directed toward the outside of the Trapezius muscle but rather towards the center. After this you should take a two-minute pause in order for the therapy to take effect.

Moves 5 and 6 make up for the third step. At this juncture, it is advised that you move the left followed by the right side of the Trapezius muscle at mid-neck. This is mid-way between the shoulder and the earlobe.

After doing this, wait for a couple of minutes before you start feeling the relief. Most people get hooked to this technique, after realizing how effective this method is. Bowen Therapy can be used to treat neck pains that come about as a result of various causes for instance, spasm, whiplash, neuralgia and more.

Go Bowen, Bowen therapists, bowen therapy !

Bowen Therapy: A Simple Way of Getting Rid of that Pain in the Neck

Bowen therapy can be used effectively to cure neck pain go today to see a local Bowen therapist in your area
A stiff neck, crick in the neck or neck injury can make every single neck movement a source of pain. Most people doing a desk job which involves sitting in front of computer for a long time have, at some or other time, faced the problem of neck pain. Such neck pain mostly results from wear and tear or overuse of neck muscles. If not treated properly, it tends to turn chronic.

Bowen therapy, which employs a gentle massage with light touch, is a very effective technique for curing such neck pains. Bowen therapy does not use acupressure or chiropractic techniques but works gently using cross-fiber movements across the body. The gentle touch of the Bowen therapy practitioner deeply relaxes the body and makes the muscles stress free.

When you go to a Bowen practitioner with your neck pain, you are made to lie down on your back in comfortable clothes. The prescribed set of moves that the practitioner makes relaxes your body and facilitates better oxygen circulation. This increased oxygen circulation releases toxin and harmful fluids that have built up in your body, providing complete pain relief in the process.

A typical session lasts for 40–45 minutes, and the practitioner leaves the room for 2–5 minutes during the treatment to let the body respond to the treatment. Many sufferers find relief from acute as well as chronic neck pain after just one session of Bowen therapy, while 2–3 sessions are enough to provide lasting relief from neck

Go Bowen ! Bowen therapy, Bowen therapists may live long and serve all in pain.

Bowen therapy for chronic pains

It is the most powerful technique commonly used worldwide to relieve all kind of chronic pains. The technique is so effective that it can be easily applied on anyone from kids to elderly people.
It has been observed in several cases that the patients get the rapid and long-lasting results by Bowen Therapy with in two or three sections. Each section lasts approximately for 30-40 minutes. The technique involves rolling of thumbs and fingers on different body muscles with out oil to provide relief. The technique is completely safe and effective and is highly preferred by athletes and other sports players.
There are several benefits of Bowen therapy, which are experienced by different individuals. Some of the most common benefits of Bowen therapy are given below.
·         Bowen therapy is highly effective in treatment of body Misalignments and other skeletal disorders.
·         Bowen therapy is very beneficial in restoring the normal lymphatic flow that helps in reliving Muscle pain and stiffness. 
·         It provides the sense of well-being by improving the internal state of relaxation.
·         Bowen therapy is gentle and there is no need to remove cloths
·         Help in treatment of all types of chronic pains with in two or three sections.
·         Betterment is often seen in Meridians.
·         Help in softening scar tissue.
Medical science has revealed the fact that homeostasis and balance of all body organs and systems helps in achieving good health and all this can be achieved by Bowen therapy for treatment of different chronic pains

What is Bowen Therapy ?

Bowen therapy is a multidimensional approach towards pain relief and healing. This therapy has achieved magnificent results over some past years and has been recognized as magical therapy if nothing else works for treating various ailments.  Its inventor Tom Bowen, has derived the underlying causes of many neurological, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and many other problems that can be found in the soft tissue (fascia).  Fascia is a connective tissue that creates three-dimensional networks surrounding each tissue in our body. Hence, fascia structure problems can affect any tissue, nerve, organ in the body.

Bowen therapy, which integrates techniques, stimulates particular receptors that allow the body to correct the dysfunction part and restore the homeostasis. Bowen therapy treats the cause instead of symptoms; this is the reason why it has shown considerable results. The people with this relief have found incredible results in their treatment, which was impossible through other treatments.  Bowen therapy is holistic and hence, does not rely itself on the problem origins and detailed diagnosis, which sometimes prove expensive as well as indeterminate.

It has shown magnificent results in treating patients with sciatica, migraines, Parkinson’s, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stroke recovery, Heel pain, Constipation, Arthritis, Infertility, Irregular cycles, pregnancy pain and many more. The list of treatments is never ending and hence, Bowen therapy treats indefinite amount of ailments which are extremely difficult to treat by other methods. It actually provides relaxation to some stressed muscles and hence, extremely beneficial for muscle related ailments. Bowen therapy is actually practiced by only certified practitioners all over the world.

Bowen therapy and Queensland flood Victims

Looking at the floods in QLD it looks like it will take a while for people to come back on there feet.
Its mother nature what no one can stop, any thing could happen at any time of the year..

People plan hundreds of things all year and mother nature in one hit washes it all away.

Bowen Therapy is a good cure which can help people to recover quicker from there natural calamaties.

Lot of local bowen therapist are offering free service in flood affected areas to help people to come back on there feet quicker.

Bowen therapy is no magic but certainly can help recovery to happen quicker.

A nice bowen massage for 30 minutes can help you to forget lot of things..for that time ..its like heaven..

Seriously if you are little depressed or bit low in general try a bowen therapy session and you would enjoy each bit of it...

thanks bowen therapists

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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.

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