What am I going to feel after a Bowen Therapy session?

Bowen Therapy is an extremely gentle and effective therapy for the relief of pain and symptoms.
Bowen Therapy typically gets to the very core of your body to effect these seemingly miraculous results. This is known as a 'correcting process' and your body can have a diverse and full range of feelings and emotions.
Generally, following a Bowen Therapy session, clients feel positive, energized and upbeat. Typically clients quickly experience a reduction in pain and relief from symptoms.
However, in some instances the 'correcting process' brings with it some discomforting feelings and emotions, such as: lethargy and fatigue; difficulty sleeping; shifting body sensations and emotional fluctuations. In some (rare) instances a short term worsening of symptoms has been known to occur. This is known as a 'healing crisis' and while very rare, is typically short in duration.
My philosophy on all of these feelings, both positive and negative, is that it is all good, it shows that your body is receptive to Bowen Therapy and that change is taking place. My experience is that positive things tend to happen, even following a temporary worsening of symptoms.

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