Bowen therapy for chronic pains

It is the most powerful technique commonly used worldwide to relieve all kind of chronic pains. The technique is so effective that it can be easily applied on anyone from kids to elderly people.
It has been observed in several cases that the patients get the rapid and long-lasting results by Bowen Therapy with in two or three sections. Each section lasts approximately for 30-40 minutes. The technique involves rolling of thumbs and fingers on different body muscles with out oil to provide relief. The technique is completely safe and effective and is highly preferred by athletes and other sports players.
There are several benefits of Bowen therapy, which are experienced by different individuals. Some of the most common benefits of Bowen therapy are given below.
·         Bowen therapy is highly effective in treatment of body Misalignments and other skeletal disorders.
·         Bowen therapy is very beneficial in restoring the normal lymphatic flow that helps in reliving Muscle pain and stiffness. 
·         It provides the sense of well-being by improving the internal state of relaxation.
·         Bowen therapy is gentle and there is no need to remove cloths
·         Help in treatment of all types of chronic pains with in two or three sections.
·         Betterment is often seen in Meridians.
·         Help in softening scar tissue.
Medical science has revealed the fact that homeostasis and balance of all body organs and systems helps in achieving good health and all this can be achieved by Bowen therapy for treatment of different chronic pains

What is Bowen Therapy ?

Bowen therapy is a multidimensional approach towards pain relief and healing. This therapy has achieved magnificent results over some past years and has been recognized as magical therapy if nothing else works for treating various ailments.  Its inventor Tom Bowen, has derived the underlying causes of many neurological, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and many other problems that can be found in the soft tissue (fascia).  Fascia is a connective tissue that creates three-dimensional networks surrounding each tissue in our body. Hence, fascia structure problems can affect any tissue, nerve, organ in the body.

Bowen therapy, which integrates techniques, stimulates particular receptors that allow the body to correct the dysfunction part and restore the homeostasis. Bowen therapy treats the cause instead of symptoms; this is the reason why it has shown considerable results. The people with this relief have found incredible results in their treatment, which was impossible through other treatments.  Bowen therapy is holistic and hence, does not rely itself on the problem origins and detailed diagnosis, which sometimes prove expensive as well as indeterminate.

It has shown magnificent results in treating patients with sciatica, migraines, Parkinson’s, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stroke recovery, Heel pain, Constipation, Arthritis, Infertility, Irregular cycles, pregnancy pain and many more. The list of treatments is never ending and hence, Bowen therapy treats indefinite amount of ailments which are extremely difficult to treat by other methods. It actually provides relaxation to some stressed muscles and hence, extremely beneficial for muscle related ailments. Bowen therapy is actually practiced by only certified practitioners all over the world.

Bowen therapy and Queensland flood Victims

Looking at the floods in QLD it looks like it will take a while for people to come back on there feet.
Its mother nature what no one can stop, any thing could happen at any time of the year..

People plan hundreds of things all year and mother nature in one hit washes it all away.

Bowen Therapy is a good cure which can help people to recover quicker from there natural calamaties.

Lot of local bowen therapist are offering free service in flood affected areas to help people to come back on there feet quicker.

Bowen therapy is no magic but certainly can help recovery to happen quicker.

A nice bowen massage for 30 minutes can help you to forget lot of things..for that time ..its like heaven..

Seriously if you are little depressed or bit low in general try a bowen therapy session and you would enjoy each bit of it...

thanks bowen therapists

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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.

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