It is the most powerful technique commonly used worldwide to relieve all kind of chronic pains. The technique is so effective that it can be easily applied on anyone from kids to elderly people.
It has been observed in several cases that the patients get the rapid and long-lasting results by Bowen Therapy with in two or three sections. Each section lasts approximately for 30-40 minutes. The technique involves rolling of thumbs and fingers on different body muscles with out oil to provide relief. The technique is completely safe and effective and is highly preferred by athletes and other sports players.
There are several benefits of Bowen therapy, which are experienced by different individuals. Some of the most common benefits of Bowen therapy are given below.
· Bowen therapy is highly effective in treatment of body Misalignments and other skeletal disorders.
· Bowen therapy is very beneficial in restoring the normal lymphatic flow that helps in reliving Muscle pain and stiffness.
· It provides the sense of well-being by improving the internal state of relaxation.
· Bowen therapy is gentle and there is no need to remove cloths
· Help in treatment of all types of chronic pains with in two or three sections.
· Betterment is often seen in Meridians.
· Help in softening scar tissue.
Medical science has revealed the fact that homeostasis and balance of all body organs and systems helps in achieving good health and all this can be achieved by Bowen therapy for treatment of different chronic pains