Bowen Therapy technique is a holistic alternative therapy. This technique was discovered and put into practise by Thomas A. Bowen in the late 1970’s. It is non-invasive in nature and the practitioner uses gentle moves at key pressure points to help the body to re-balance itself. With the hands, the practitioner moves the muscles and tissues such that there is a release of tension and blockages. These movements consist of a subtle rolling of muscle, nerve, tendon, and connective tissue. This release empowers the body’s own resources to naturally reset and help in its natural healing process. The Bowen sessions usually result in a deep feeling of relaxation.
The Bowen Technique is neither massage, or reflexology, or acupressure, nor is it chiropractic in nature. Bowens therapy works by first gently relaxing the body’s muscles and connective tissue and removing any distortions in these areas. This helps to increase the body’s circulation of blood, thus enabling different organs and body systems to get more oxygen and nutrient supplies. Bowen therapy also stimulates the lymphatic system, responsible for the defence of the body. This stimulation helps in toxin removal from the body. The Bowen therapy techniques also invigorate the nervous system and promote healthier nerve supply throughout the body. This technique has been proven to stimulate the endocrine system, and help correct any hormonal imbalances as well.
Practitioners have found that the Bowen therapy achieves rapid and lasting relief from a wide spectrum of conditions such as respiratory problems, digestive conditions, joint aches and pain and certain infections as well.
In a usual Bowen massage therapy session, the patient lies on a bed and wears loosely fitting clothes. In between each set of moves, the practitioner leaves the room so that the patient experiences the utmost sense of calm. A single session usually lasts for an hour and takes place at seven day intervals. Often two to five sessions are more than enough for the treatment of most conditions.
Bowen therapy is quite safe to use on anyone, from babies to the elderly, as there are no vigorous manipulations involved in this therapy. This therapy is known to be effective for mental stimulation as well. It has been shown to improve concentration and memory levels. Bowen therapy is also effective against psychological problems such as stress and depression.
While it can help speed up recovery time, Bowen therapy is not meant to replace medical treatment. It can be effectively used as a complementary therapy.
Bowen therapist can cure lot of diseases using bowtech Bowen techniques. Bowen is an informative blog for people who would like to know all about Bowen Therapy & Bowtech Technique. Feel free to share your bowen experience and how it healed your Neck Pain, Back Pain, Siatica, Frozen Shoulders, Asthama,migrain etc. Are you suffering from any of those pains ? If Yes - Than do not Wait Take Action and find a Local Bowen Therapist in your Area. Go Bowen !
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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.
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