In the July 04 issue of Oprah Winfrey’s “O” Magazine.
Bowen Therapy is noted in Oprah’s magazine as being an “innovative body therapy, the rolling movements prompting certain cells to send a signal to the brain that produces muscular relaxation.”
SUNDAY TIMES, Style Magazine… Bowen has had good results with musculo-skeletal conditions, especially frozen shoulder and tennis elbow.
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH… One real advantage of Bowen over other ‘alternative’ therapies is that many complaints are said to be treated after just two or three sessions, making Bowen treatment easier on the wallet.
BEST MAGAZINE… My back pair went from a dull ache to no ache! It was fantastic!
THE EXPRESS… Derek Jameson was ‘absolutely flabbergasted’ when just after a few sessions of this gentle hands-on therapy his frozen shoulder problem was resolved.
NEW FOREST POST… This is such a wonderful relaxing treatment, that one can easily drift off into a peaceful sleep.
IRISH EXAMINER… It is another of those mysterious therapies but what is clear is that it works!
THE SUN… The Bowen Technique is a hands-on therapy which really works.
BOURNEMOUTH ECHO… Bowen can be applied to most problems and all ages as it is gently holistic and works by harnessing the body’s own healing powers.
HEALTH AND FITNESS MAGAZINE… Some clients return for regular sessions simply for balancing and relaxation. It can be a form of protection as well. For some sports people it can actually enhance their performance.
HELLO MAGAZINE… The Bowen Technique is called by one osteopath ‘probably the most important healthcare discovery in human history’
Bowen therapist can cure lot of diseases using bowtech Bowen techniques. Bowen is an informative blog for people who would like to know all about Bowen Therapy & Bowtech Technique. Feel free to share your bowen experience and how it healed your Neck Pain, Back Pain, Siatica, Frozen Shoulders, Asthama,migrain etc. Are you suffering from any of those pains ? If Yes - Than do not Wait Take Action and find a Local Bowen Therapist in your Area. Go Bowen !
BOWEN TECHNIQUE Developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen
BOWEN TECHNIQUE Developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen of Australia in the 1960s and 1970s, this hands-on, light-touch body therapy consists of gentle rolling movements over muscle bellies and tendons to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. Originally intended to help people suffering from muscular-skeletal problems, Bowen Technique has also been successful with many other conditions, including asthma and respiratory ailments in children and pre-teens. Click here to find an Bowen Technique practitioner.
Bowen therapy can help asthma sufferers

If you’re an asthma sufferer you probably don’t go anywhere without your inhaler. The inconvenience of remembering to carry your inhaler is insignificant given its effects on an asthma attack. However, complete reliance on such an item means you’re left wide-open should it be forgotten. Your asthma attack may be triggered by pet hair, hay fever or over-exerting yourself. For some, spending time outdoors during the winter can increase asthma attacks to the point that they become a daily occurrence. That trigger of cold air and environmental pollution can cause asthma sufferers to sit down and catch their breath while using their inhaler to get things under control. Not much fun when you’re going about your daily routine - work, rest or play.
Bowen therapy has for many people meant they can have less dependence on their inhaler. Bowen technique therapy is an alternative and complementary therapy that can help asthma sufferers ease their symptoms and get their condition under control. While not a cure for asthma, Bowen therapy has become a well-documented way for adults and children to get relief from their condition.
Bowen therapy for the relief of asthma
Bowen therapy is used for a variety of problems but typically treats conditions involving the muscles, bones and joints of the body. Back pain, neck pain and joint pain along with migraines, IBS and anxiety can all benefit from Bowen therapy. For asthma relief, many people have found they have less dependence on their inhalers after as few as four sessions with a Bowen therapy practitioner.
During a session, a Bowen therapist will find out what it is that triggers your asthma. They will discover from you how the asthma behaves when it is at its worst, and then after it is treated with medication. The Bowen therapist will then use some standard Bowen manipulation techniques before using treatments that are specifically designed for asthma. The methods that a Bowen therapist uses consist of a series of gentle rolling movements across the muscles. These movements trigger nerve impulses that send information to the brain and between each series of movements the body is given a chance to rest so the brain can absorb that information. This is Bowen therapy’s treatment key as it gives the body a chance to respond before the next movements take place.
Bowen therapy works on asthma by breaking the asthma trigger. Our body is capable of preventing asthma so the therapy helps that natural ability to find ways to stop the trigger that causes an asthma response. Bowen therapy methods stimulate the internal systems that help the body deal with conditions such as asthma.
Asthma improves after having Bowen therapy
Many asthma patients are experiencing significant improvement, and for some complete recovery, after as few as four Bowen therapy sessions. Ideally people should return for top-up sessions which will serve as a reminder to the body on how to stop the asthma trigger.
Bowen therapists are also able to instruct patients on an ‘emergency move’ should an asthma attack occur. The move involves pushing the thumb into the stomach area and can break even the most serious of asthma attacks. Bowen therapy is gaining acceptance as a good way to help asthma sufferers with many GPs and physiotherapists finding it helps their patients. Consult with your doctor and local Bowen therapist to see how Bowen therapy can help you.
Bowen Therapy Case Study - Arthritis

Ailment: Arthritis Treatment: Bowen TherapyClient: Pam
A 61 year old lady, found Bowen treatments previously for her sciatica with her sister who is a Bowen therapist based in Australia.
Now Pam was suffering badly with arthritic knees. This was severely compromising her quality of life as she couldn’t walk far and needed to use painkillers. However the pain from the arthritis still managed to disturb her sleep and wake her up on a regular basis.
After assessing Pam, I ascertained that the problems with her knees were probably due to the knock on effect of an un-level pelvis and locked sacrum. This is often the case with knee problems, the knee being such a complex joint that it is often the first to show wear and tear.
Bowen Therapy Treating Arthritis - Treatment 1
The first session was aimed at levelling the pelvis and freeing the sacrum.
After the session Pam reported that the pain in her knee went immediately after the moves I made on it.
Bowen Therapy Treating Arthritis – Treatment 2
Pam’s second session of Bowen Therapy was arranged for one week after the first. However Pam called me and asked to bring it forward. Apparently she had felt so well that she found herself running for a bus, but injured herself in the process.
The result was that she now had a swollen left knee and a shooting pain in her calf! The second treatment concentrated on this.
Apart from this blip, Pam reported that her knees were much better and she had felt very well since the first treatment.
Bowen Therapy Treating Arthritis – Treatment 3
A week later Pam came for her third treatment of Bowen Therapy for arthritis. She was extremely pleased saying that her knees were now 95% pain free and she was sleeping much more comfortably.
Upon closer inspection I found she had a much freer movement in her hip joints. Having spoken to her a month later, I was pleased to hear that she is off the painkillers and still feeling “wonderful
How often should I have a Bowen Therapy session?
I recommend a week between Bowen Therapy sessions. Sometimes that is not possible, so a range of five to ten days is permissible.
I have seen at the extremes, follow-up sessions performed within three days to alleviate some new problem and I have seen people wait weeks between sessions, seemingly without ill effect. Bowen Therapy is very forgiving and each individuals' presentation should be treated on its merit.
My philosophy regarding frequency of sessions is not to adhere to a rigid number of days, but rather to optimize the body's response to the follow-up treatment session. If, given a particular presentation, I think it would be best to follow-up in five days, then that is what I will recommend. My experience is that for most presentations the week offers the optimum time for the previous session to 'bed in' and ready the body for the next session.
I have seen at the extremes, follow-up sessions performed within three days to alleviate some new problem and I have seen people wait weeks between sessions, seemingly without ill effect. Bowen Therapy is very forgiving and each individuals' presentation should be treated on its merit.
My philosophy regarding frequency of sessions is not to adhere to a rigid number of days, but rather to optimize the body's response to the follow-up treatment session. If, given a particular presentation, I think it would be best to follow-up in five days, then that is what I will recommend. My experience is that for most presentations the week offers the optimum time for the previous session to 'bed in' and ready the body for the next session.
How many Bowen Therapy sessions should I have?
I find my typical, and indeed majority of clients require only three sessions.
That said, the number of sessions is very much determined by:
What the problem is?
How acute (severe) the problem is?
How complex the problem is?
How long you have had the problem?
Will your lifestyle continue to contribute to the problem?
Have you multiple problems - if so how many?
Bowen Therapy is very forgiving, it allows us to work simultaneously on multiple problems. It generally provides safe, speedy relief and it typically works well on long standing problems.
I have seen at the extremes, simple problems resolve in just one session and more complex situations require as many as seven sessions. Some problems resolve but require ongoing maintenance to remain symptom free, this is relatively rare, but does sometimes happen.
If you are seeing absolutely no positive results after the second session, I would seek to find other alternatives with you, rather than proceed with another session.
My philosophy regarding the number of sessions is determined solely on results. If you are seeing tangible and measurable improvements and obtaining symptom relief, but are not quite there yet, I would recommend you continue therapy. The final choice though, will always be up to you.
What am I going to feel after a Bowen Therapy session?
Bowen Therapy is an extremely gentle and effective therapy for the relief of pain and symptoms.
Bowen Therapy typically gets to the very core of your body to effect these seemingly miraculous results. This is known as a 'correcting process' and your body can have a diverse and full range of feelings and emotions.
Generally, following a Bowen Therapy session, clients feel positive, energized and upbeat. Typically clients quickly experience a reduction in pain and relief from symptoms.
However, in some instances the 'correcting process' brings with it some discomforting feelings and emotions, such as: lethargy and fatigue; difficulty sleeping; shifting body sensations and emotional fluctuations. In some (rare) instances a short term worsening of symptoms has been known to occur. This is known as a 'healing crisis' and while very rare, is typically short in duration.
My philosophy on all of these feelings, both positive and negative, is that it is all good, it shows that your body is receptive to Bowen Therapy and that change is taking place. My experience is that positive things tend to happen, even following a temporary worsening of symptoms.
Bowen Therapy typically gets to the very core of your body to effect these seemingly miraculous results. This is known as a 'correcting process' and your body can have a diverse and full range of feelings and emotions.
Generally, following a Bowen Therapy session, clients feel positive, energized and upbeat. Typically clients quickly experience a reduction in pain and relief from symptoms.
However, in some instances the 'correcting process' brings with it some discomforting feelings and emotions, such as: lethargy and fatigue; difficulty sleeping; shifting body sensations and emotional fluctuations. In some (rare) instances a short term worsening of symptoms has been known to occur. This is known as a 'healing crisis' and while very rare, is typically short in duration.
My philosophy on all of these feelings, both positive and negative, is that it is all good, it shows that your body is receptive to Bowen Therapy and that change is taking place. My experience is that positive things tend to happen, even following a temporary worsening of symptoms.
Why are there Pauses in Bowen Therapy Session ?
Typically during a Bowen Therapy session there are a number of short (two minute) pauses, where the therapist will leave the room.
These pauses are to allow the body to assimilate the energy flows that have been initiated and stimulated by the just completed "moves". It is important not to overload the body's senses with too much noise. The pauses serve to allow the body to assimilate and settle before subsequent moves are applied.
These pauses are to allow the body to assimilate the energy flows that have been initiated and stimulated by the just completed "moves". It is important not to overload the body's senses with too much noise. The pauses serve to allow the body to assimilate and settle before subsequent moves are applied.
How Safe is Bowen Therapy ?
Bowen Therapy has been taught and applied around the world. Hundreds of thousands of Bowen Therapy sessions have been performed. Bowen Therapy appears to be very safe.
Bowen Therapy has been used on expectant mothers, before and during labor, newborn babies and young children, on up through all age groups to the very elderly.
I have been unable to find reference to any reported case of serious injury or death resulting from a Bowen Therapy session. Indeed, I have been unable to find a single lawsuit resulting from Bowen Therapy.
Please note some Bowen "moves" are contra- indicated for use with pregnant woman.
Bowen Therapy has been used on expectant mothers, before and during labor, newborn babies and young children, on up through all age groups to the very elderly.
I have been unable to find reference to any reported case of serious injury or death resulting from a Bowen Therapy session. Indeed, I have been unable to find a single lawsuit resulting from Bowen Therapy.
Please note some Bowen "moves" are contra- indicated for use with pregnant woman.
What Can Bowen Therapy Do For Me ?
WHILE IT IS seemingly, a very simple question, the answer does require some context.
THE EXPERTISE of the individual Bowen Therapist does have a role to play here, but the result of a particular series of "moves" is very much dependant on your body's reception of and reaction to those "moves".
MOST OF US don't like pain, suffering and physical discomfort, so it is little wonder that when appropriately 'stimulated by Bowen "moves", our bodies generally react favorably and we typically receive substantial, if not complete relief from our health problems.
THROUGH THOUSANDS of testimonials and hundreds of anecdotal reports from Bowen Therapists around the world, the following can be said, without fear of contradiction:
SAFE - it has been successfully used on new born babies through all age groups to the very elderly - with few, if any, (mild) side effects, lasting more than a day or so;
GENTLE, with no manipulative forces or pressures being used;
EFFECTIVE at relieving pain and discomfort across a wide range of conditions by:
Physical, emotional and mental stress levels;
Joint mobility;
Circulatory systems - blood and lymphatic;
Assimilation of nutrients;
Elimination of toxins and waste products.
FAST - with results typically seen in just a few sessions.
THESE VERY same testimonials and anecdotal reports have provided a wide range of conditions from which clients have reported substantial, if not complete relief from pain and symptoms.
Conditions that have responded to Bowen Therapy.
SO IN ESSENCE, the answer to your question is, if your condition is listed, many have likely gone before you and received substantial, if not complete relief. While the probability is high that you to will benefit, only time and a session or two will tell for sure.
IF YOUR CONDITION is not listed, call and discuss your circumstances with me. I'll assist you if I think Bowen Therapy is appropriate for you and your particular circumstance.
"BOWEN THERAPY life without pain"
THE EXPERTISE of the individual Bowen Therapist does have a role to play here, but the result of a particular series of "moves" is very much dependant on your body's reception of and reaction to those "moves".
MOST OF US don't like pain, suffering and physical discomfort, so it is little wonder that when appropriately 'stimulated by Bowen "moves", our bodies generally react favorably and we typically receive substantial, if not complete relief from our health problems.
THROUGH THOUSANDS of testimonials and hundreds of anecdotal reports from Bowen Therapists around the world, the following can be said, without fear of contradiction:
SAFE - it has been successfully used on new born babies through all age groups to the very elderly - with few, if any, (mild) side effects, lasting more than a day or so;
GENTLE, with no manipulative forces or pressures being used;
EFFECTIVE at relieving pain and discomfort across a wide range of conditions by:
Physical, emotional and mental stress levels;
Joint mobility;
Circulatory systems - blood and lymphatic;
Assimilation of nutrients;
Elimination of toxins and waste products.
FAST - with results typically seen in just a few sessions.
THESE VERY same testimonials and anecdotal reports have provided a wide range of conditions from which clients have reported substantial, if not complete relief from pain and symptoms.
Conditions that have responded to Bowen Therapy.
SO IN ESSENCE, the answer to your question is, if your condition is listed, many have likely gone before you and received substantial, if not complete relief. While the probability is high that you to will benefit, only time and a session or two will tell for sure.
IF YOUR CONDITION is not listed, call and discuss your circumstances with me. I'll assist you if I think Bowen Therapy is appropriate for you and your particular circumstance.
"BOWEN THERAPY life without pain"
Why Should I Use Bowen Therapy ?
LIKE MOST PEOPLE coming to this website, you are probably seeking information and help for an existing, often debilitating condition. A condition, that more often that not, has already been diagnosed and treated by a recognized Medical Professional.
IT IS MORE than likely you have consulted with several Medical Professionals, often from different medical disciplines and received multiple procedures and medications. Alas, while we, here in the
Australia, may have the worlds best medical technology, there are millions of people who suffer daily. These people are in pain and who through some physical limitation do not have a full range of body motion.
OFTEN PEOPLE suffering from pain and discomfort have tried other 'alternative techniques', sometimes with some short-term success, more often without achieving satisfaction and relief from their pain and symptoms.
So NOW comes Bowen Therapy.
Exceptionally SAFE, with few, if any, (mild) side effects, lasting more than a day or so;
Very GENTLE, with no manipulative forces or pressures being used;
Highly EFFECTIVE at relieving pain and discomfort across a wide range of conditions;
QUICK acting, with results typically seen in just a few sessions;
Simple, holistic and DEEPLY RELAXING;
COST EFFECTIVE because it typically gets results, quickly;
It's not physically demanding on the therapist, which allows the focus to be on you and your condition(s).
THE LIST of reasons to consider Bowen Therapy is long and compelling. Weighed against, the possible down side - no relief for the cost of one or two sessions. The much higher potential of safe, long term relief without side effects and constant medication, would seem to be decisive.
ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE if Bowen Therapy is appropriate for you and your particular circumstance. I will do my very best to identify and gently apply the appropriate Bowen "moves" and the rest is up to you and your body to heal itself.
"BOWEN THERAPYsafe, effective pain relief,without medication"
IT IS MORE than likely you have consulted with several Medical Professionals, often from different medical disciplines and received multiple procedures and medications. Alas, while we, here in the
Australia, may have the worlds best medical technology, there are millions of people who suffer daily. These people are in pain and who through some physical limitation do not have a full range of body motion.
OFTEN PEOPLE suffering from pain and discomfort have tried other 'alternative techniques', sometimes with some short-term success, more often without achieving satisfaction and relief from their pain and symptoms.
So NOW comes Bowen Therapy.
Exceptionally SAFE, with few, if any, (mild) side effects, lasting more than a day or so;
Very GENTLE, with no manipulative forces or pressures being used;
Highly EFFECTIVE at relieving pain and discomfort across a wide range of conditions;
QUICK acting, with results typically seen in just a few sessions;
Simple, holistic and DEEPLY RELAXING;
COST EFFECTIVE because it typically gets results, quickly;
It's not physically demanding on the therapist, which allows the focus to be on you and your condition(s).
THE LIST of reasons to consider Bowen Therapy is long and compelling. Weighed against, the possible down side - no relief for the cost of one or two sessions. The much higher potential of safe, long term relief without side effects and constant medication, would seem to be decisive.
ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE if Bowen Therapy is appropriate for you and your particular circumstance. I will do my very best to identify and gently apply the appropriate Bowen "moves" and the rest is up to you and your body to heal itself.
"BOWEN THERAPYsafe, effective pain relief,without medication"
How Does Bowen Therapy Work ?
THIS IS a very simple question!
WITHOUT WISHING to stop your researching right here, the simple and most honest answer is...."despite tens of thousands of successful Bowen sessions, throughout the world, no one really knows"....for sure!
WHILE THERE is substantial, tangible and incontrovertible evidence that Bowen Therapy works, there is no definitive answer as to exactly how or why.
THERE ARE NUMEROUS 'theories' and research continues to be undertaken to better understand the processes initiated by Bowen "moves".
THERE IS MUCH evidence to support Bowen's effect on the body's Autonomic Nervous System (A.N.S.) - that system which governs the whole body response to internal and external stimuli (fight and flight, etc.) - most especially the effect of balancing and self healing. There is growing evidence that the deep relaxation, experienced by most people following a Bowen session, positively influences and stimulates the Autonomic Nervous System, to initiate changes in the body.
WHILE THERE APPEARS, at face value, to be a relationship between the location of Bowen "moves" and acupressure points, myofacsial trigger points and meridian energy lines, there is no evidence to support that Tom Bowen ever 'studied' or used these therapy's.
WHAT WE DO KNOW, is that Bowen "moves" initiate and stimulate energy flow. That energy flow somehow translates into a safe, rapid self healing process that has few, if any, short term side effects and which typically provides long term relief from pain and discomfort, for a wide range of conditions. We still don't know exactly how or why!
"BOWEN THERAPYeffective self healing"
WITHOUT WISHING to stop your researching right here, the simple and most honest answer is...."despite tens of thousands of successful Bowen sessions, throughout the world, no one really knows"....for sure!
WHILE THERE is substantial, tangible and incontrovertible evidence that Bowen Therapy works, there is no definitive answer as to exactly how or why.
THERE ARE NUMEROUS 'theories' and research continues to be undertaken to better understand the processes initiated by Bowen "moves".
THERE IS MUCH evidence to support Bowen's effect on the body's Autonomic Nervous System (A.N.S.) - that system which governs the whole body response to internal and external stimuli (fight and flight, etc.) - most especially the effect of balancing and self healing. There is growing evidence that the deep relaxation, experienced by most people following a Bowen session, positively influences and stimulates the Autonomic Nervous System, to initiate changes in the body.
WHILE THERE APPEARS, at face value, to be a relationship between the location of Bowen "moves" and acupressure points, myofacsial trigger points and meridian energy lines, there is no evidence to support that Tom Bowen ever 'studied' or used these therapy's.
WHAT WE DO KNOW, is that Bowen "moves" initiate and stimulate energy flow. That energy flow somehow translates into a safe, rapid self healing process that has few, if any, short term side effects and which typically provides long term relief from pain and discomfort, for a wide range of conditions. We still don't know exactly how or why!
"BOWEN THERAPYeffective self healing"
What is Bowen Therapy ?
BOWEN THERAPY consists of a series of precisely placed, soft tissue, "moves" that involve lightly 'rolling' across and gently 'plunking' various muscles and to a lesser extent, some tendons and ligaments. The motion is much the same as softly playing ('plunking') a violin, without the bow.
A BOWEN THERAPIST typically performs these very subtle and delicate "moves" using the pads of the finger tips and thumbs. Force is NOT applied. Undue force and pressure are not needed, indeed too much force would impede the success of Bowen Therapy. So much so, that the credo among Bowen Therapists is "less is more".
The general consensus among first time recipients of Bowen Therapy is... "how could something so gentle and non invasive, seemingly feather touch, achieve ANY results?". Skepticism is not uncommon. The results though, speak for themselves and converts to the efficacy of Bowen Therapy include many Doctors, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Naturopaths. You got to experience it once and than you would believe it.
Because people typically haven't heard of Bowen Therapy, it is often difficult to grasp the concept of 'lightly rolling and gently plunking'. It may assist our understanding, to look at more common and familiar therapies and say.....
Energy work
Physiotherapy or Neuromuscular 're-education'
Trigger Point work
Fascia Release
Lymphatic Massage
Emotional Release Therapy
A religious, charismatic or spiritual technique
Simply put, BOWEN THERAPY is unlike anything else, when it comes to whole body safety, gentleness, effectiveness and results.
"A better, balanced body through BOWEN THERAPY
A BOWEN THERAPIST typically performs these very subtle and delicate "moves" using the pads of the finger tips and thumbs. Force is NOT applied. Undue force and pressure are not needed, indeed too much force would impede the success of Bowen Therapy. So much so, that the credo among Bowen Therapists is "less is more".
The general consensus among first time recipients of Bowen Therapy is... "how could something so gentle and non invasive, seemingly feather touch, achieve ANY results?". Skepticism is not uncommon. The results though, speak for themselves and converts to the efficacy of Bowen Therapy include many Doctors, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Naturopaths. You got to experience it once and than you would believe it.
Because people typically haven't heard of Bowen Therapy, it is often difficult to grasp the concept of 'lightly rolling and gently plunking'. It may assist our understanding, to look at more common and familiar therapies and say.....
Energy work
Physiotherapy or Neuromuscular 're-education'
Trigger Point work
Fascia Release
Lymphatic Massage
Emotional Release Therapy
A religious, charismatic or spiritual technique
Simply put, BOWEN THERAPY is unlike anything else, when it comes to whole body safety, gentleness, effectiveness and results.
"A better, balanced body through BOWEN THERAPY
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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.
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- Bowen Therapy was in July 04 Isuue of Oprah Winfre...
- BOWEN TECHNIQUE Developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen
- Bowen therapy can help asthma sufferers
- Bowen Therapy Case Study - Arthritis
- How often should I have a Bowen Therapy session?
- How many Bowen Therapy sessions should I have?
- What am I going to feel after a Bowen Therapy sess...
- Why are there Pauses in Bowen Therapy Session ?
- How Safe is Bowen Therapy ?
- What Can Bowen Therapy Do For Me ?
- Why Should I Use Bowen Therapy ?
- How Does Bowen Therapy Work ?
- What is Bowen Therapy ?
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