Bowen Therapy

When a Bowen treatment is given, the glued fibres are gently pulled apart and released to their natural alignment. Each treatment addresses the whole body, not just the area of injury or pain. Postural misalignments are released, effective movement patterns are restored. Muscles pain, sprain and strain can heal more rapidly.

Bowen Therapy, however, does more than just allow muscles to heal and rebalancing postural realignment. Because we work on reopening one of the body’s major fluid pathways that deliver nutrients to tissue and removes waste products from the tissue, we are also working on the total health of many systems of the body. Bowen has been shown to help with a large range of health issues such as skin problems, digestive problems and respiratory problems.The meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine also runs through this connective tissue; the superficial and deep fascia in the body, and by releasing restrictions in this tissue we are also allowing the energetic pathways to be unblocked and rebalanced. It is now believed that the chemicals that create our emotional responses also travel through the fascia. Our fascia has been called “the skin of the spirit”; the place of transformation; the medium through which the body and spirit communicate.

Bowen Theray is cure for many diseases


  1. Very thoughtfull post on alternative therapy. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Positive thinking

  2. Thanks Karim. We will keep the good work flowing


Bowtech, Alternative Medicine, Tom Bowen, Bowen, Alternative Therapy.

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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.

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