The Bowen Technique is unlike any other form of hands-on therapy. There is no pulling or cracking of joints, no insertion of needles and no manipulation. The technique consists of a sequence of very precise and gentle moves over muscles and soft tissue interspersed with periods of rest in order for the treatment to be absorbed. The treatment entails no searching consultation as it is holistic (treats the whole body) and it is generally a pleasant and relaxing experience with no known adverse side effects.
The human immune system is a complex and wonderful mechanism that has evolved over millions of years. It enables the body to fight injury and invading infections and viruses with an awesome array of natural in-built healing aids. Sadly, due to this high tech. world and the stresses that come with it, we now often have very complex health problems which are seemingly beyond our healing processes.
Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and boost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapists believe that the body has the ability to adjust, adapt and heal itself.
The Bowen Technique was developed by Tom Bowen (1916-1982) Geelong, Australia. He had an uncanny ability to read bodies and correct and adjust abnormalities which caused pain. The therapy was first brought to England in 1993.
Tom Bowen developed the technique over many years and there are many theories as to how it works. He said that it was the movement of bad energy coupled with the increased flow of blood and lymphatic drainage that caused the often spectacular return to full health.
When a survey was done on alternative medicine by the Victoria State Government in the early '70s it was established that Tom Bowen was actually treating in excess of 250 patients a week (13000 a year). This with a success rate of about 88% after only two or three treatments.
Tom Bowen was modest about his work and never advertised.
Research scientists are eager to discover the secrets of this most dramatic healing phenomena and your doctor may be unable to tell you much about Bowen Therapy.
The treatment takes about three quarters of an hour and in some cases some relief from pain can be experienced on the first visit. Many people state that over the next 3-4 days they experience reactions as the body accepts the therapy and realigns itself. The healing process continues for about seven days until treatment is continued. Long term relief from chronic and acute pain can often be achieved in three or four visits.
Many patients (particularly sportsmen) have a Bowen treatment on a regular basis in order to maintain good performance.
Bowen therapist can cure lot of diseases using bowtech Bowen techniques. Bowen is an informative blog for people who would like to know all about Bowen Therapy & Bowtech Technique. Feel free to share your bowen experience and how it healed your Neck Pain, Back Pain, Siatica, Frozen Shoulders, Asthama,migrain etc. Are you suffering from any of those pains ? If Yes - Than do not Wait Take Action and find a Local Bowen Therapist in your Area. Go Bowen !
IS Bowen Technique Real ?
Bowen Technique is it REal ?
Bowen is a holistic technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body.
A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body. It can be done through light clothing.
Bowen therapy may help relieve a range of disorders.
Make sure you use a registered therapist.
Bowen is a holistic technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body.
A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body. It can be done through light clothing.
Bowen therapy may help relieve a range of disorders.
Make sure you use a registered therapist.
Bowen Massage Therapy
Benefits of Bowen Massage Therapy and other Massage in General.
Bowen is more traditional way of curing pain and stress but fundamentals are same.
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions and many cultures – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments. Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good.
Massage has benefits for the body, mind and soul.
•Body: massage therapy is designed to reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility, improve blood flow, assist in the movement of lymph throughout the body thus removing toxins and boosting the immune system. It increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.
•Mind: massage therapy provides a relaxed state of alertness, reduces mental stress and enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.
•Soul: massage therapy satisfies the need for caring and nurturing touch, creates a feeling of well being and reduces anxiety levels
Massage works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation and is especially effective in treating ‘vicious cycle’ complaints. For instance, a tension headache is often self-sustaining because the pain makes the sufferer clench the affected muscles even harder. This, in turn, creates more pain. A thorough neck and shoulder massage can release muscle tension and break the pain cycle.
Modern studies have shown that massage can be used to successfully treat a variety of disorders, including:
•Neck and/or back pain
•Muscle soreness
•Sports injuries
•Pregnancy pain
Many employers are incorporating workplace massage therapy as part of employee health and wellbeing programs and have found it helps improve moral and lowers absenteeism
Bowen is more traditional way of curing pain and stress but fundamentals are same.
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions and many cultures – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments. Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good.
Massage has benefits for the body, mind and soul.
•Body: massage therapy is designed to reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility, improve blood flow, assist in the movement of lymph throughout the body thus removing toxins and boosting the immune system. It increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.
•Mind: massage therapy provides a relaxed state of alertness, reduces mental stress and enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.
•Soul: massage therapy satisfies the need for caring and nurturing touch, creates a feeling of well being and reduces anxiety levels
Massage works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation and is especially effective in treating ‘vicious cycle’ complaints. For instance, a tension headache is often self-sustaining because the pain makes the sufferer clench the affected muscles even harder. This, in turn, creates more pain. A thorough neck and shoulder massage can release muscle tension and break the pain cycle.
Modern studies have shown that massage can be used to successfully treat a variety of disorders, including:
•Neck and/or back pain
•Muscle soreness
•Sports injuries
•Pregnancy pain
Many employers are incorporating workplace massage therapy as part of employee health and wellbeing programs and have found it helps improve moral and lowers absenteeism
Equine Bowen Therapy, Bowen Therapy for horses
Equine Bowen Therapy (EBT), uses the same principles as Tom Bowen’s therapy and is a gentle, very effective, hands on technique. Bowen acts as a catalyst and triggers the body to heal itself wherever it is required. As well as stimulating healing, it produces deep relaxation, pain relief and helps to normalise all the body’s systems (circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, muscular etc).
By using fingers and thumbs on precise points on the body, a rolling action is applied targeting muscles, ligaments and tendons. This action disturbs the delicate fascia underneath the skin and vibrations and messages are sent to neighbouring structures and to the brain via the central nervous system.
In the course of the treatment, moves are interspersed with periods of rest. This is essential for the brain to process the information and to allow the body to adjust itself and begin the process of healing.
By using fingers and thumbs on precise points on the body, a rolling action is applied targeting muscles, ligaments and tendons. This action disturbs the delicate fascia underneath the skin and vibrations and messages are sent to neighbouring structures and to the brain via the central nervous system.
In the course of the treatment, moves are interspersed with periods of rest. This is essential for the brain to process the information and to allow the body to adjust itself and begin the process of healing.
Bowen Therapy
When a Bowen treatment is given, the glued fibres are gently pulled apart and released to their natural alignment. Each treatment addresses the whole body, not just the area of injury or pain. Postural misalignments are released, effective movement patterns are restored. Muscles pain, sprain and strain can heal more rapidly.
Bowen Therapy, however, does more than just allow muscles to heal and rebalancing postural realignment. Because we work on reopening one of the body’s major fluid pathways that deliver nutrients to tissue and removes waste products from the tissue, we are also working on the total health of many systems of the body. Bowen has been shown to help with a large range of health issues such as skin problems, digestive problems and respiratory problems.The meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine also runs through this connective tissue; the superficial and deep fascia in the body, and by releasing restrictions in this tissue we are also allowing the energetic pathways to be unblocked and rebalanced. It is now believed that the chemicals that create our emotional responses also travel through the fascia. Our fascia has been called “the skin of the spirit”; the place of transformation; the medium through which the body and spirit communicate.
Bowen Theray is cure for many diseases
Bowen Therapy, however, does more than just allow muscles to heal and rebalancing postural realignment. Because we work on reopening one of the body’s major fluid pathways that deliver nutrients to tissue and removes waste products from the tissue, we are also working on the total health of many systems of the body. Bowen has been shown to help with a large range of health issues such as skin problems, digestive problems and respiratory problems.The meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine also runs through this connective tissue; the superficial and deep fascia in the body, and by releasing restrictions in this tissue we are also allowing the energetic pathways to be unblocked and rebalanced. It is now believed that the chemicals that create our emotional responses also travel through the fascia. Our fascia has been called “the skin of the spirit”; the place of transformation; the medium through which the body and spirit communicate.
Bowen Theray is cure for many diseases
Bowen Therapy Technique
Bowen therapy technique has recently evolved all around the world.
History of Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy came about through the simple, intuitive ‘hands on’ practices some 20 years ago of a gentleman by the name of Tom Bowen.
TOM HAD an eighth grade education and no formal medical training. In the early 1950's Tom's day job was at the Geelong Cement Works as a general labourer but at night and during weekends he treated sports and workers injuries. It was not unusual for people to be lined up, on his front lawn, in the middle of the night, waiting for treatment. FINALLY IN THE LATE 1950's, Tom moved into a permanent, full-time practice. Apart from creating the technique, Tom's greatest ability was an uncanny knack of assessing just what "moves" a client needed and to apply them quickly and accurately. He practiced and refined his technique over some thirty years, working right up to his death, in 1982, from diabetes.
TOM BOWEN was a genuinely humble man, given to few words, but with an endless energy and passion for helping and relieving others of their ills, most especially those from less fortunate circumstances. He treated his unique abilities as a 'gift from God' and gave of himself tirelessly to help others.
THAT TOM, was able to create and develop a practice that treated tens of thousands of people, each with a few simple yet special "moves", speaks volumes for his personal dedication and tenacity and the success of his technique. All those of us who have benefited from Bowen Therapy, owe Tom Bowen a debt of gratitude for without his perseverance, tenacity, dedication, generosity and goodwill, none of this would be possible.
The Bowen Therapy Technique
The Bowen Technique consists of a sequence of very specific, yet gentle, moves across tendons, muscles, organs and fascia throughout the body. The practitioner uses their thumbs and fingers to make gentle rolling moves, very often over accupressure points, which aim to disturb the muscles and energy pathways within the recipient’s body. (Similar to the gentle strumming of the individual strings on a guitar.)
These moves sends ripples of energy throughout the body stimulating the process of making the required adjustments that help to rebalance, relieve tension and reduce pain. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. It is not a form of massage. The treatment stimulates the body in ways that promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy.
To the recipient it may seem that very little is being done, but yet it doesn’t take much energy at all to turn on a household light switch. So too, is the consequence of Bowen on the human form. Each specific move is the gentle switching on of the body’s own healing switches from within. And the results are very often astounding.
How Does It Work?
Homeostasis is a state of balance in the body, that is, the maintenance of stable physiological conditions under fluctuating environmental and psychological circumstances.
Sorry to say that there are no absolutes in explaining exactly how this modality actually works! One idea is that Bowen simply connects the parts of the body with the brain, using the many receptors scattered throughout the body. The moves resonate a message to the brain, (similarly to the entering of a new updated programme into your computer) which then initiates the process of inner examination, the realization that action is required, the information is then formulated and the process of homeostasis, (or internal integrity) is restored.
What is important, however, is that the body is more than able to heal itself, and that the input from the practitioner is merely a form of communication! It is therefore up to the recipient as to whether this communication is acceptable or not.
What Makes Bowen Different?
There are a lot of other modalities and therapies that inflict the will of the therapist upon the recipient. That is, a diagnosis is conducted and the treatment given accordingly.
The Bowen Technique allows the body the space to formulate what is wrong and how to go about fixing it.
Just think…you cut your finger and it bleeds. This process cleans the wound of most impurities, the blood congeals and seals the wound, a scab forms protecting the sensitive element and within a matter of a short period of time the wound heals. So too is your body’s internal capacity to heal. Sounds that simple? It can be!
Bowen permits the opportunity for the client’s body to choose what it needs, rather than a set of symptoms being thrust upon it through a series of diagnoses.
Bowen is referred to as ‘complementary’ modality, which means it is to enhance and complement. Bowen is definitely NOT a substitute for medical advice, and the Bowen practitioner will make sure that you have researched the medical field first.
What conditions can be treated?
There is a profoundly long list of conditions that have been successfully treated with Bowen, and the reason being, the Bowen practitioner does not necessarily treat the condition, but rather treats the person. The treatment is offered to the body and it is given a choice, if the treatment is accepted and responds, then the condition is addressed. Some examples of conditions are as follows :-
MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN (such as back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & shoulders, RSI carpal tunnel, fibro myalgia, arthritic pain, gait disorders, hernia, irregular leg length, groin strain, pelvic tilt, knee & hip restrictions, TMJ syndrome, migraines, headaches)
SPORTS INJURIES (such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee, ankle & foot problems, groin strain, pelvic tilt, arthritic pain).
PREGNANCY DISCOMFORT & CARE (such as sacral lower back discomfort, nausea, circulation, lymphatic drainage).
BABIES & CHILDREN (such as colic, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, sports injuries and accidents, obesity, ear problems, jaw problems).
GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (such as PMS, menopause, infertility male/female, mastitis, breast lumps, thrush, menstrual irregularities).
RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS (such as hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies).
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS (such as colic, Crohn’s Disease, indigestion, gall stones, constipation & other bowel problems).
THE ELDERLY (such as incontinence, allergies, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart conditions, asthma, circulation, thyroid, vision & hearing problems).
History of Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy came about through the simple, intuitive ‘hands on’ practices some 20 years ago of a gentleman by the name of Tom Bowen.
TOM HAD an eighth grade education and no formal medical training. In the early 1950's Tom's day job was at the Geelong Cement Works as a general labourer but at night and during weekends he treated sports and workers injuries. It was not unusual for people to be lined up, on his front lawn, in the middle of the night, waiting for treatment. FINALLY IN THE LATE 1950's, Tom moved into a permanent, full-time practice. Apart from creating the technique, Tom's greatest ability was an uncanny knack of assessing just what "moves" a client needed and to apply them quickly and accurately. He practiced and refined his technique over some thirty years, working right up to his death, in 1982, from diabetes.
TOM BOWEN was a genuinely humble man, given to few words, but with an endless energy and passion for helping and relieving others of their ills, most especially those from less fortunate circumstances. He treated his unique abilities as a 'gift from God' and gave of himself tirelessly to help others.
THAT TOM, was able to create and develop a practice that treated tens of thousands of people, each with a few simple yet special "moves", speaks volumes for his personal dedication and tenacity and the success of his technique. All those of us who have benefited from Bowen Therapy, owe Tom Bowen a debt of gratitude for without his perseverance, tenacity, dedication, generosity and goodwill, none of this would be possible.
The Bowen Therapy Technique
The Bowen Technique consists of a sequence of very specific, yet gentle, moves across tendons, muscles, organs and fascia throughout the body. The practitioner uses their thumbs and fingers to make gentle rolling moves, very often over accupressure points, which aim to disturb the muscles and energy pathways within the recipient’s body. (Similar to the gentle strumming of the individual strings on a guitar.)
These moves sends ripples of energy throughout the body stimulating the process of making the required adjustments that help to rebalance, relieve tension and reduce pain. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. It is not a form of massage. The treatment stimulates the body in ways that promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy.
To the recipient it may seem that very little is being done, but yet it doesn’t take much energy at all to turn on a household light switch. So too, is the consequence of Bowen on the human form. Each specific move is the gentle switching on of the body’s own healing switches from within. And the results are very often astounding.
How Does It Work?
Homeostasis is a state of balance in the body, that is, the maintenance of stable physiological conditions under fluctuating environmental and psychological circumstances.
Sorry to say that there are no absolutes in explaining exactly how this modality actually works! One idea is that Bowen simply connects the parts of the body with the brain, using the many receptors scattered throughout the body. The moves resonate a message to the brain, (similarly to the entering of a new updated programme into your computer) which then initiates the process of inner examination, the realization that action is required, the information is then formulated and the process of homeostasis, (or internal integrity) is restored.
What is important, however, is that the body is more than able to heal itself, and that the input from the practitioner is merely a form of communication! It is therefore up to the recipient as to whether this communication is acceptable or not.
What Makes Bowen Different?
There are a lot of other modalities and therapies that inflict the will of the therapist upon the recipient. That is, a diagnosis is conducted and the treatment given accordingly.
The Bowen Technique allows the body the space to formulate what is wrong and how to go about fixing it.
Just think…you cut your finger and it bleeds. This process cleans the wound of most impurities, the blood congeals and seals the wound, a scab forms protecting the sensitive element and within a matter of a short period of time the wound heals. So too is your body’s internal capacity to heal. Sounds that simple? It can be!
Bowen permits the opportunity for the client’s body to choose what it needs, rather than a set of symptoms being thrust upon it through a series of diagnoses.
Bowen is referred to as ‘complementary’ modality, which means it is to enhance and complement. Bowen is definitely NOT a substitute for medical advice, and the Bowen practitioner will make sure that you have researched the medical field first.
What conditions can be treated?
There is a profoundly long list of conditions that have been successfully treated with Bowen, and the reason being, the Bowen practitioner does not necessarily treat the condition, but rather treats the person. The treatment is offered to the body and it is given a choice, if the treatment is accepted and responds, then the condition is addressed. Some examples of conditions are as follows :-
MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN (such as back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & shoulders, RSI carpal tunnel, fibro myalgia, arthritic pain, gait disorders, hernia, irregular leg length, groin strain, pelvic tilt, knee & hip restrictions, TMJ syndrome, migraines, headaches)
SPORTS INJURIES (such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee, ankle & foot problems, groin strain, pelvic tilt, arthritic pain).
PREGNANCY DISCOMFORT & CARE (such as sacral lower back discomfort, nausea, circulation, lymphatic drainage).
BABIES & CHILDREN (such as colic, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, sports injuries and accidents, obesity, ear problems, jaw problems).
GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (such as PMS, menopause, infertility male/female, mastitis, breast lumps, thrush, menstrual irregularities).
RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS (such as hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies).
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS (such as colic, Crohn’s Disease, indigestion, gall stones, constipation & other bowel problems).
THE ELDERLY (such as incontinence, allergies, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart conditions, asthma, circulation, thyroid, vision & hearing problems).
bowen therapy
Bowtech term is an abbreviation of the words “Bowen” and “Technique”. It is a holistic vibrational healing therapy which was invented by the Australian physiotherapist Tom Bowen on 1950, while he was trying to find a cure for his wife asthma disease. Tom Bowen used to apply his therapy to injured soldiers of 2nd World War and he generally achieved to relieve pain.
and treat their contusions. In 1974 the research that had been carried out by Health Ministry of Australia was the cause of Bowtech’s appreciation firstly in Australia and gradually all over the world.
Bowen Technique has a significant difference from the other holistic therapies. Bowtech activates self healing system that every human body is equipped. The therapist with his finger sends messages to body organs and stimulates immunological respond within next hours or days. Other less significant differences between Bowtech and other holistic treatments are:
and treat their contusions. In 1974 the research that had been carried out by Health Ministry of Australia was the cause of Bowtech’s appreciation firstly in Australia and gradually all over the world.
Bowen Technique has a significant difference from the other holistic therapies. Bowtech activates self healing system that every human body is equipped. The therapist with his finger sends messages to body organs and stimulates immunological respond within next hours or days. Other less significant differences between Bowtech and other holistic treatments are:
Bowentherapy + Migrain Cure
After years of suffering from sinus pain and agonising migraines, I feel like a new person.
After my first Bowen treatment I noticed the difference straight away. Being able to breathe comfortably at night and sleep was wonderful. My migraines have decreased dramatically, which means no morphine or pethidine injections.
I'm feeling good and looking forward to my treatments. I thank you Leonie and my family especially thanks you.
Grateful, Perth, WA
What the therapist has to say
This lady had been suffering from migraine headaches since the age of 12 (for 20 years). In the last four to five years the migraines have increased in severity and occur exactly 7 days before menstruation.
After the first treatment, there was no sign of a migraine in her next cycle. I treated her again one month later and once again, no sign of that dreaded pain. We missed the next month as she was feeling "wonderful". Not long after... guess what... there it was again!!! I was able to treat her again during this painful time and with plenty of water and a short sleep she was able to eliminate the pain that she was suffering.
She is now one of the many converted to the wonders of this very special modality and is now spreading the word on Bowen therapy.
LH, Midland, WA
After my first Bowen treatment I noticed the difference straight away. Being able to breathe comfortably at night and sleep was wonderful. My migraines have decreased dramatically, which means no morphine or pethidine injections.
I'm feeling good and looking forward to my treatments. I thank you Leonie and my family especially thanks you.
Grateful, Perth, WA
What the therapist has to say
This lady had been suffering from migraine headaches since the age of 12 (for 20 years). In the last four to five years the migraines have increased in severity and occur exactly 7 days before menstruation.
After the first treatment, there was no sign of a migraine in her next cycle. I treated her again one month later and once again, no sign of that dreaded pain. We missed the next month as she was feeling "wonderful". Not long after... guess what... there it was again!!! I was able to treat her again during this painful time and with plenty of water and a short sleep she was able to eliminate the pain that she was suffering.
She is now one of the many converted to the wonders of this very special modality and is now spreading the word on Bowen therapy.
LH, Midland, WA
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Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.
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