The Bowen Technique is unlike any other form of hands-on therapy. There is no pulling or cracking of joints, no insertion of needles and no manipulation. The technique consists of a sequence of very precise and gentle moves over muscles and soft tissue interspersed with periods of rest in order for the treatment to be absorbed. The treatment entails no searching consultation as it is holistic (treats the whole body) and it is generally a pleasant and relaxing experience with no known adverse side effects.
The human immune system is a complex and wonderful mechanism that has evolved over millions of years. It enables the body to fight injury and invading infections and viruses with an awesome array of natural in-built healing aids. Sadly, due to this high tech. world and the stresses that come with it, we now often have very complex health problems which are seemingly beyond our healing processes.
Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and boost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapists believe that the body has the ability to adjust, adapt and heal itself.
The Bowen Technique was developed by Tom Bowen (1916-1982) Geelong, Australia. He had an uncanny ability to read bodies and correct and adjust abnormalities which caused pain. The therapy was first brought to England in 1993.
Tom Bowen developed the technique over many years and there are many theories as to how it works. He said that it was the movement of bad energy coupled with the increased flow of blood and lymphatic drainage that caused the often spectacular return to full health.
When a survey was done on alternative medicine by the Victoria State Government in the early '70s it was established that Tom Bowen was actually treating in excess of 250 patients a week (13000 a year). This with a success rate of about 88% after only two or three treatments.
Tom Bowen was modest about his work and never advertised.
Research scientists are eager to discover the secrets of this most dramatic healing phenomena and your doctor may be unable to tell you much about Bowen Therapy.
The treatment takes about three quarters of an hour and in some cases some relief from pain can be experienced on the first visit. Many people state that over the next 3-4 days they experience reactions as the body accepts the therapy and realigns itself. The healing process continues for about seven days until treatment is continued. Long term relief from chronic and acute pain can often be achieved in three or four visits.
Many patients (particularly sportsmen) have a Bowen treatment on a regular basis in order to maintain good performance.
Bowen therapist can cure lot of diseases using bowtech Bowen techniques. Bowen is an informative blog for people who would like to know all about Bowen Therapy & Bowtech Technique. Feel free to share your bowen experience and how it healed your Neck Pain, Back Pain, Siatica, Frozen Shoulders, Asthama,migrain etc. Are you suffering from any of those pains ? If Yes - Than do not Wait Take Action and find a Local Bowen Therapist in your Area. Go Bowen !
IS Bowen Technique Real ?
Bowen Technique is it REal ?
Bowen is a holistic technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body.
A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body. It can be done through light clothing.
Bowen therapy may help relieve a range of disorders.
Make sure you use a registered therapist.
Bowen is a holistic technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body.
A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body. It can be done through light clothing.
Bowen therapy may help relieve a range of disorders.
Make sure you use a registered therapist.
Bowen Massage Therapy
Benefits of Bowen Massage Therapy and other Massage in General.
Bowen is more traditional way of curing pain and stress but fundamentals are same.
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions and many cultures – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments. Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good.
Massage has benefits for the body, mind and soul.
•Body: massage therapy is designed to reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility, improve blood flow, assist in the movement of lymph throughout the body thus removing toxins and boosting the immune system. It increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.
•Mind: massage therapy provides a relaxed state of alertness, reduces mental stress and enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.
•Soul: massage therapy satisfies the need for caring and nurturing touch, creates a feeling of well being and reduces anxiety levels
Massage works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation and is especially effective in treating ‘vicious cycle’ complaints. For instance, a tension headache is often self-sustaining because the pain makes the sufferer clench the affected muscles even harder. This, in turn, creates more pain. A thorough neck and shoulder massage can release muscle tension and break the pain cycle.
Modern studies have shown that massage can be used to successfully treat a variety of disorders, including:
•Neck and/or back pain
•Muscle soreness
•Sports injuries
•Pregnancy pain
Many employers are incorporating workplace massage therapy as part of employee health and wellbeing programs and have found it helps improve moral and lowers absenteeism
Bowen is more traditional way of curing pain and stress but fundamentals are same.
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions and many cultures – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments. Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good.
Massage has benefits for the body, mind and soul.
•Body: massage therapy is designed to reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility, improve blood flow, assist in the movement of lymph throughout the body thus removing toxins and boosting the immune system. It increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.
•Mind: massage therapy provides a relaxed state of alertness, reduces mental stress and enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.
•Soul: massage therapy satisfies the need for caring and nurturing touch, creates a feeling of well being and reduces anxiety levels
Massage works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation and is especially effective in treating ‘vicious cycle’ complaints. For instance, a tension headache is often self-sustaining because the pain makes the sufferer clench the affected muscles even harder. This, in turn, creates more pain. A thorough neck and shoulder massage can release muscle tension and break the pain cycle.
Modern studies have shown that massage can be used to successfully treat a variety of disorders, including:
•Neck and/or back pain
•Muscle soreness
•Sports injuries
•Pregnancy pain
Many employers are incorporating workplace massage therapy as part of employee health and wellbeing programs and have found it helps improve moral and lowers absenteeism
Equine Bowen Therapy, Bowen Therapy for horses
Equine Bowen Therapy (EBT), uses the same principles as Tom Bowen’s therapy and is a gentle, very effective, hands on technique. Bowen acts as a catalyst and triggers the body to heal itself wherever it is required. As well as stimulating healing, it produces deep relaxation, pain relief and helps to normalise all the body’s systems (circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, muscular etc).
By using fingers and thumbs on precise points on the body, a rolling action is applied targeting muscles, ligaments and tendons. This action disturbs the delicate fascia underneath the skin and vibrations and messages are sent to neighbouring structures and to the brain via the central nervous system.
In the course of the treatment, moves are interspersed with periods of rest. This is essential for the brain to process the information and to allow the body to adjust itself and begin the process of healing.
By using fingers and thumbs on precise points on the body, a rolling action is applied targeting muscles, ligaments and tendons. This action disturbs the delicate fascia underneath the skin and vibrations and messages are sent to neighbouring structures and to the brain via the central nervous system.
In the course of the treatment, moves are interspersed with periods of rest. This is essential for the brain to process the information and to allow the body to adjust itself and begin the process of healing.
Bowen Therapy
When a Bowen treatment is given, the glued fibres are gently pulled apart and released to their natural alignment. Each treatment addresses the whole body, not just the area of injury or pain. Postural misalignments are released, effective movement patterns are restored. Muscles pain, sprain and strain can heal more rapidly.
Bowen Therapy, however, does more than just allow muscles to heal and rebalancing postural realignment. Because we work on reopening one of the body’s major fluid pathways that deliver nutrients to tissue and removes waste products from the tissue, we are also working on the total health of many systems of the body. Bowen has been shown to help with a large range of health issues such as skin problems, digestive problems and respiratory problems.The meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine also runs through this connective tissue; the superficial and deep fascia in the body, and by releasing restrictions in this tissue we are also allowing the energetic pathways to be unblocked and rebalanced. It is now believed that the chemicals that create our emotional responses also travel through the fascia. Our fascia has been called “the skin of the spirit”; the place of transformation; the medium through which the body and spirit communicate.
Bowen Theray is cure for many diseases
Bowen Therapy, however, does more than just allow muscles to heal and rebalancing postural realignment. Because we work on reopening one of the body’s major fluid pathways that deliver nutrients to tissue and removes waste products from the tissue, we are also working on the total health of many systems of the body. Bowen has been shown to help with a large range of health issues such as skin problems, digestive problems and respiratory problems.The meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine also runs through this connective tissue; the superficial and deep fascia in the body, and by releasing restrictions in this tissue we are also allowing the energetic pathways to be unblocked and rebalanced. It is now believed that the chemicals that create our emotional responses also travel through the fascia. Our fascia has been called “the skin of the spirit”; the place of transformation; the medium through which the body and spirit communicate.
Bowen Theray is cure for many diseases
Bowen Therapy Technique
Bowen therapy technique has recently evolved all around the world.
History of Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy came about through the simple, intuitive ‘hands on’ practices some 20 years ago of a gentleman by the name of Tom Bowen.
TOM HAD an eighth grade education and no formal medical training. In the early 1950's Tom's day job was at the Geelong Cement Works as a general labourer but at night and during weekends he treated sports and workers injuries. It was not unusual for people to be lined up, on his front lawn, in the middle of the night, waiting for treatment. FINALLY IN THE LATE 1950's, Tom moved into a permanent, full-time practice. Apart from creating the technique, Tom's greatest ability was an uncanny knack of assessing just what "moves" a client needed and to apply them quickly and accurately. He practiced and refined his technique over some thirty years, working right up to his death, in 1982, from diabetes.
TOM BOWEN was a genuinely humble man, given to few words, but with an endless energy and passion for helping and relieving others of their ills, most especially those from less fortunate circumstances. He treated his unique abilities as a 'gift from God' and gave of himself tirelessly to help others.
THAT TOM, was able to create and develop a practice that treated tens of thousands of people, each with a few simple yet special "moves", speaks volumes for his personal dedication and tenacity and the success of his technique. All those of us who have benefited from Bowen Therapy, owe Tom Bowen a debt of gratitude for without his perseverance, tenacity, dedication, generosity and goodwill, none of this would be possible.
The Bowen Therapy Technique
The Bowen Technique consists of a sequence of very specific, yet gentle, moves across tendons, muscles, organs and fascia throughout the body. The practitioner uses their thumbs and fingers to make gentle rolling moves, very often over accupressure points, which aim to disturb the muscles and energy pathways within the recipient’s body. (Similar to the gentle strumming of the individual strings on a guitar.)
These moves sends ripples of energy throughout the body stimulating the process of making the required adjustments that help to rebalance, relieve tension and reduce pain. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. It is not a form of massage. The treatment stimulates the body in ways that promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy.
To the recipient it may seem that very little is being done, but yet it doesn’t take much energy at all to turn on a household light switch. So too, is the consequence of Bowen on the human form. Each specific move is the gentle switching on of the body’s own healing switches from within. And the results are very often astounding.
How Does It Work?
Homeostasis is a state of balance in the body, that is, the maintenance of stable physiological conditions under fluctuating environmental and psychological circumstances.
Sorry to say that there are no absolutes in explaining exactly how this modality actually works! One idea is that Bowen simply connects the parts of the body with the brain, using the many receptors scattered throughout the body. The moves resonate a message to the brain, (similarly to the entering of a new updated programme into your computer) which then initiates the process of inner examination, the realization that action is required, the information is then formulated and the process of homeostasis, (or internal integrity) is restored.
What is important, however, is that the body is more than able to heal itself, and that the input from the practitioner is merely a form of communication! It is therefore up to the recipient as to whether this communication is acceptable or not.
What Makes Bowen Different?
There are a lot of other modalities and therapies that inflict the will of the therapist upon the recipient. That is, a diagnosis is conducted and the treatment given accordingly.
The Bowen Technique allows the body the space to formulate what is wrong and how to go about fixing it.
Just think…you cut your finger and it bleeds. This process cleans the wound of most impurities, the blood congeals and seals the wound, a scab forms protecting the sensitive element and within a matter of a short period of time the wound heals. So too is your body’s internal capacity to heal. Sounds that simple? It can be!
Bowen permits the opportunity for the client’s body to choose what it needs, rather than a set of symptoms being thrust upon it through a series of diagnoses.
Bowen is referred to as ‘complementary’ modality, which means it is to enhance and complement. Bowen is definitely NOT a substitute for medical advice, and the Bowen practitioner will make sure that you have researched the medical field first.
What conditions can be treated?
There is a profoundly long list of conditions that have been successfully treated with Bowen, and the reason being, the Bowen practitioner does not necessarily treat the condition, but rather treats the person. The treatment is offered to the body and it is given a choice, if the treatment is accepted and responds, then the condition is addressed. Some examples of conditions are as follows :-
MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN (such as back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & shoulders, RSI carpal tunnel, fibro myalgia, arthritic pain, gait disorders, hernia, irregular leg length, groin strain, pelvic tilt, knee & hip restrictions, TMJ syndrome, migraines, headaches)
SPORTS INJURIES (such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee, ankle & foot problems, groin strain, pelvic tilt, arthritic pain).
PREGNANCY DISCOMFORT & CARE (such as sacral lower back discomfort, nausea, circulation, lymphatic drainage).
BABIES & CHILDREN (such as colic, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, sports injuries and accidents, obesity, ear problems, jaw problems).
GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (such as PMS, menopause, infertility male/female, mastitis, breast lumps, thrush, menstrual irregularities).
RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS (such as hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies).
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS (such as colic, Crohn’s Disease, indigestion, gall stones, constipation & other bowel problems).
THE ELDERLY (such as incontinence, allergies, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart conditions, asthma, circulation, thyroid, vision & hearing problems).
History of Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy came about through the simple, intuitive ‘hands on’ practices some 20 years ago of a gentleman by the name of Tom Bowen.
TOM HAD an eighth grade education and no formal medical training. In the early 1950's Tom's day job was at the Geelong Cement Works as a general labourer but at night and during weekends he treated sports and workers injuries. It was not unusual for people to be lined up, on his front lawn, in the middle of the night, waiting for treatment. FINALLY IN THE LATE 1950's, Tom moved into a permanent, full-time practice. Apart from creating the technique, Tom's greatest ability was an uncanny knack of assessing just what "moves" a client needed and to apply them quickly and accurately. He practiced and refined his technique over some thirty years, working right up to his death, in 1982, from diabetes.
TOM BOWEN was a genuinely humble man, given to few words, but with an endless energy and passion for helping and relieving others of their ills, most especially those from less fortunate circumstances. He treated his unique abilities as a 'gift from God' and gave of himself tirelessly to help others.
THAT TOM, was able to create and develop a practice that treated tens of thousands of people, each with a few simple yet special "moves", speaks volumes for his personal dedication and tenacity and the success of his technique. All those of us who have benefited from Bowen Therapy, owe Tom Bowen a debt of gratitude for without his perseverance, tenacity, dedication, generosity and goodwill, none of this would be possible.
The Bowen Therapy Technique
The Bowen Technique consists of a sequence of very specific, yet gentle, moves across tendons, muscles, organs and fascia throughout the body. The practitioner uses their thumbs and fingers to make gentle rolling moves, very often over accupressure points, which aim to disturb the muscles and energy pathways within the recipient’s body. (Similar to the gentle strumming of the individual strings on a guitar.)
These moves sends ripples of energy throughout the body stimulating the process of making the required adjustments that help to rebalance, relieve tension and reduce pain. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. It is not a form of massage. The treatment stimulates the body in ways that promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy.
To the recipient it may seem that very little is being done, but yet it doesn’t take much energy at all to turn on a household light switch. So too, is the consequence of Bowen on the human form. Each specific move is the gentle switching on of the body’s own healing switches from within. And the results are very often astounding.
How Does It Work?
Homeostasis is a state of balance in the body, that is, the maintenance of stable physiological conditions under fluctuating environmental and psychological circumstances.
Sorry to say that there are no absolutes in explaining exactly how this modality actually works! One idea is that Bowen simply connects the parts of the body with the brain, using the many receptors scattered throughout the body. The moves resonate a message to the brain, (similarly to the entering of a new updated programme into your computer) which then initiates the process of inner examination, the realization that action is required, the information is then formulated and the process of homeostasis, (or internal integrity) is restored.
What is important, however, is that the body is more than able to heal itself, and that the input from the practitioner is merely a form of communication! It is therefore up to the recipient as to whether this communication is acceptable or not.
What Makes Bowen Different?
There are a lot of other modalities and therapies that inflict the will of the therapist upon the recipient. That is, a diagnosis is conducted and the treatment given accordingly.
The Bowen Technique allows the body the space to formulate what is wrong and how to go about fixing it.
Just think…you cut your finger and it bleeds. This process cleans the wound of most impurities, the blood congeals and seals the wound, a scab forms protecting the sensitive element and within a matter of a short period of time the wound heals. So too is your body’s internal capacity to heal. Sounds that simple? It can be!
Bowen permits the opportunity for the client’s body to choose what it needs, rather than a set of symptoms being thrust upon it through a series of diagnoses.
Bowen is referred to as ‘complementary’ modality, which means it is to enhance and complement. Bowen is definitely NOT a substitute for medical advice, and the Bowen practitioner will make sure that you have researched the medical field first.
What conditions can be treated?
There is a profoundly long list of conditions that have been successfully treated with Bowen, and the reason being, the Bowen practitioner does not necessarily treat the condition, but rather treats the person. The treatment is offered to the body and it is given a choice, if the treatment is accepted and responds, then the condition is addressed. Some examples of conditions are as follows :-
MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN (such as back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & shoulders, RSI carpal tunnel, fibro myalgia, arthritic pain, gait disorders, hernia, irregular leg length, groin strain, pelvic tilt, knee & hip restrictions, TMJ syndrome, migraines, headaches)
SPORTS INJURIES (such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee, ankle & foot problems, groin strain, pelvic tilt, arthritic pain).
PREGNANCY DISCOMFORT & CARE (such as sacral lower back discomfort, nausea, circulation, lymphatic drainage).
BABIES & CHILDREN (such as colic, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, sports injuries and accidents, obesity, ear problems, jaw problems).
GYNAECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (such as PMS, menopause, infertility male/female, mastitis, breast lumps, thrush, menstrual irregularities).
RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS (such as hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies).
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS (such as colic, Crohn’s Disease, indigestion, gall stones, constipation & other bowel problems).
THE ELDERLY (such as incontinence, allergies, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart conditions, asthma, circulation, thyroid, vision & hearing problems).
bowen therapy
Bowtech term is an abbreviation of the words “Bowen” and “Technique”. It is a holistic vibrational healing therapy which was invented by the Australian physiotherapist Tom Bowen on 1950, while he was trying to find a cure for his wife asthma disease. Tom Bowen used to apply his therapy to injured soldiers of 2nd World War and he generally achieved to relieve pain.
and treat their contusions. In 1974 the research that had been carried out by Health Ministry of Australia was the cause of Bowtech’s appreciation firstly in Australia and gradually all over the world.
Bowen Technique has a significant difference from the other holistic therapies. Bowtech activates self healing system that every human body is equipped. The therapist with his finger sends messages to body organs and stimulates immunological respond within next hours or days. Other less significant differences between Bowtech and other holistic treatments are:
and treat their contusions. In 1974 the research that had been carried out by Health Ministry of Australia was the cause of Bowtech’s appreciation firstly in Australia and gradually all over the world.
Bowen Technique has a significant difference from the other holistic therapies. Bowtech activates self healing system that every human body is equipped. The therapist with his finger sends messages to body organs and stimulates immunological respond within next hours or days. Other less significant differences between Bowtech and other holistic treatments are:
Bowentherapy + Migrain Cure
After years of suffering from sinus pain and agonising migraines, I feel like a new person.
After my first Bowen treatment I noticed the difference straight away. Being able to breathe comfortably at night and sleep was wonderful. My migraines have decreased dramatically, which means no morphine or pethidine injections.
I'm feeling good and looking forward to my treatments. I thank you Leonie and my family especially thanks you.
Grateful, Perth, WA
What the therapist has to say
This lady had been suffering from migraine headaches since the age of 12 (for 20 years). In the last four to five years the migraines have increased in severity and occur exactly 7 days before menstruation.
After the first treatment, there was no sign of a migraine in her next cycle. I treated her again one month later and once again, no sign of that dreaded pain. We missed the next month as she was feeling "wonderful". Not long after... guess what... there it was again!!! I was able to treat her again during this painful time and with plenty of water and a short sleep she was able to eliminate the pain that she was suffering.
She is now one of the many converted to the wonders of this very special modality and is now spreading the word on Bowen therapy.
LH, Midland, WA
After my first Bowen treatment I noticed the difference straight away. Being able to breathe comfortably at night and sleep was wonderful. My migraines have decreased dramatically, which means no morphine or pethidine injections.
I'm feeling good and looking forward to my treatments. I thank you Leonie and my family especially thanks you.
Grateful, Perth, WA
What the therapist has to say
This lady had been suffering from migraine headaches since the age of 12 (for 20 years). In the last four to five years the migraines have increased in severity and occur exactly 7 days before menstruation.
After the first treatment, there was no sign of a migraine in her next cycle. I treated her again one month later and once again, no sign of that dreaded pain. We missed the next month as she was feeling "wonderful". Not long after... guess what... there it was again!!! I was able to treat her again during this painful time and with plenty of water and a short sleep she was able to eliminate the pain that she was suffering.
She is now one of the many converted to the wonders of this very special modality and is now spreading the word on Bowen therapy.
LH, Midland, WA
Natural Approach for back pain and child baring pain during pregnancy
The Bowen Technique is a natural and holistic manual therapy that can be of particular benefit to women before, during and after pregnancy. There is no other time in a woman’s life when such rapid changes happen in her body. Gravity, hormonal changes, and a shifting center of gravity can be hard on the spine causing significant pain during the childbearing year.
The beauty of Bowen therapy is its simplicity and the basic understanding of the human body’s inherent ability to heal. At a time when pain medications are not the preferred option, this treatment approach offers a pregnant woman hope for pain relief naturally.
The Bowen Technique was originated in the 1950’s by the late Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia. With the gift of observing subtle deviations in anatomical structure, he discovered relationships in the body. With this understanding, he developed many moves and procedures that helped with a wide array of ailments and musculo-skeletal complaints. He was a humble man, attributing this as a “gift from God.” The technique itself is a series of gentle moves performed over soft tissue structures in precise locations interspersed with wait periods. It is during the wait periods when the body processes the sensory information. Muscular tension decreases, blood flow improves, fascial restrictions release, and the body’s autonomic nervous system shifts to rest, relax, and heal mode.
During pregnancy, the center of gravity gradually shifts progressively more forward as the baby grows in size. The pelvis tilts more anteriorly and the low back curve becomes more pronounced. These changes place additional stress on the spine and pelvic joints and can result in low back pain or sciatica.
Bowen Therapy can be performed in sitting or side lying so the pregnant mom can be seen throughout the entire pregnancy period as many times as is required. On one occasion, a pregnant client in her 9th month came to my clinic complaining of pain in the front of her pelvis and in her low back. The pain made it very uncomfortable to walk or sleep at night. After two sessions, she was feeling marked improvement with resolution of her pain. Often times, the symphysis pubis (the front of the pelvis) can be a source of discomfort due to ligamentous laxity. The hormone, relaxin, is secreted to help the ligaments stretch allowing for the ever increasing size of the growing baby. The gentle Bowenwork moves triggered a healing response in this client at a time when she needed to be feeling well for her labor and delivery.
Breech presentation has also been shown to correct itself after a Bowen treatment. Recently a client was seen in her 36th week with breech presentation. She was seen one time where a combination of moves over her low back and pelvis was performed. Within the week, her follow up ultrasound confirmed that her baby had turned into the head down position. Rick Minnery, one of the Lancaster midwives in England sent this anecdote to Sandra Gustafson, Senior Bowenwork instructor, on the subject:
“A colleague (midwife) asked me if Bowen might help to turn her baby round (she was carrying her baby breech at 35+ weeks) and was anxious to avoid possible caesarean birth or run the risk of a vaginal breech delivery. I gave her one treatment session with the pelvic procedure, and she phoned two days later to say the baby had flipped over, into a cephalic (head) normal presentation. She was delighted – I was gob smacked!”
After delivery, the new mom may have pain in her low back, pelvis, or perineum (area between the vulva and rectum) due to a prolonged or difficult birth. Research shows that pain in her perineum may linger in the postpartum period, especially if this was her first child, an episiotomy or tear resulted during vaginal delivery, or if an epidural for pain relief was used during the second stage of labor.
Also, the new mom may experience pain and discomfort in her upper back or neck region from the new postures associated with prolonged nursing. She can be so focused on helping the baby latch on that she is not aware of her hunched shoulders and the position of her neck. Mastitis, lactation problems, or blood engorgement respond favorably to Bowenwork and the particular procedure that is used can be instructed to the client so that she is able to self-treat at home. Bowenwork procedures are chosen to address the specific area of concern in order to promote healing.
Bowenwork is a valuable option for a woman’s health during the childbearing year, offering pain relief at a time when pain medications are avoided and traditional therapies do not bring adequate results. Numerous women have been helped with Bowen therapy for fertility, during pregnancy, delivery, and post partum. At a time when the body is changing in such a miraculous way to provide an optimal environment for the baby to grow, it is encouraging to know there is natural and holistic approach for pain relief when a shifting center of gravity causes havoc on the spine and pelvis.
The beauty of Bowen therapy is its simplicity and the basic understanding of the human body’s inherent ability to heal. At a time when pain medications are not the preferred option, this treatment approach offers a pregnant woman hope for pain relief naturally.
The Bowen Technique was originated in the 1950’s by the late Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia. With the gift of observing subtle deviations in anatomical structure, he discovered relationships in the body. With this understanding, he developed many moves and procedures that helped with a wide array of ailments and musculo-skeletal complaints. He was a humble man, attributing this as a “gift from God.” The technique itself is a series of gentle moves performed over soft tissue structures in precise locations interspersed with wait periods. It is during the wait periods when the body processes the sensory information. Muscular tension decreases, blood flow improves, fascial restrictions release, and the body’s autonomic nervous system shifts to rest, relax, and heal mode.
During pregnancy, the center of gravity gradually shifts progressively more forward as the baby grows in size. The pelvis tilts more anteriorly and the low back curve becomes more pronounced. These changes place additional stress on the spine and pelvic joints and can result in low back pain or sciatica.
Bowen Therapy can be performed in sitting or side lying so the pregnant mom can be seen throughout the entire pregnancy period as many times as is required. On one occasion, a pregnant client in her 9th month came to my clinic complaining of pain in the front of her pelvis and in her low back. The pain made it very uncomfortable to walk or sleep at night. After two sessions, she was feeling marked improvement with resolution of her pain. Often times, the symphysis pubis (the front of the pelvis) can be a source of discomfort due to ligamentous laxity. The hormone, relaxin, is secreted to help the ligaments stretch allowing for the ever increasing size of the growing baby. The gentle Bowenwork moves triggered a healing response in this client at a time when she needed to be feeling well for her labor and delivery.
Breech presentation has also been shown to correct itself after a Bowen treatment. Recently a client was seen in her 36th week with breech presentation. She was seen one time where a combination of moves over her low back and pelvis was performed. Within the week, her follow up ultrasound confirmed that her baby had turned into the head down position. Rick Minnery, one of the Lancaster midwives in England sent this anecdote to Sandra Gustafson, Senior Bowenwork instructor, on the subject:
“A colleague (midwife) asked me if Bowen might help to turn her baby round (she was carrying her baby breech at 35+ weeks) and was anxious to avoid possible caesarean birth or run the risk of a vaginal breech delivery. I gave her one treatment session with the pelvic procedure, and she phoned two days later to say the baby had flipped over, into a cephalic (head) normal presentation. She was delighted – I was gob smacked!”
After delivery, the new mom may have pain in her low back, pelvis, or perineum (area between the vulva and rectum) due to a prolonged or difficult birth. Research shows that pain in her perineum may linger in the postpartum period, especially if this was her first child, an episiotomy or tear resulted during vaginal delivery, or if an epidural for pain relief was used during the second stage of labor.
Also, the new mom may experience pain and discomfort in her upper back or neck region from the new postures associated with prolonged nursing. She can be so focused on helping the baby latch on that she is not aware of her hunched shoulders and the position of her neck. Mastitis, lactation problems, or blood engorgement respond favorably to Bowenwork and the particular procedure that is used can be instructed to the client so that she is able to self-treat at home. Bowenwork procedures are chosen to address the specific area of concern in order to promote healing.
Bowenwork is a valuable option for a woman’s health during the childbearing year, offering pain relief at a time when pain medications are avoided and traditional therapies do not bring adequate results. Numerous women have been helped with Bowen therapy for fertility, during pregnancy, delivery, and post partum. At a time when the body is changing in such a miraculous way to provide an optimal environment for the baby to grow, it is encouraging to know there is natural and holistic approach for pain relief when a shifting center of gravity causes havoc on the spine and pelvis.
Are you Suffering from Pregnancy Back Pain ?
I'm discovering the other not so pleasant side effect of being pregnant, along with the hormonally-driven emotional rollercoaster effect: hideous back ache.My lower back has been crippling me recently, and even though I'm only four months pregnant I'm already finding it very uncomfortable indeed to pick stuff up from the floor or to sit for long periods of time. The boyfriend is doing an excellent job with the massage oil, but I may need some heavier duty help quite soon. One possible aid that's come to my attention, squarely due to a press release landing in my inbox, is the Bowen Technique. Teacher and practitioner Jo Lunn explains how the Bowen Technique can help ease aches and pains during pregnancy. I'm passing on her advice here, though please be aware that I haven't tried the Bowen Technique, nor am I advocating this as opposed to other aids. Please do your own homework too, and don't forget to consult your doctor or midwife. Jo Lunn writes:What is the Bowen Technique?The Bowen Technique is a gentle hands-on therapy that enables the body to work at optimum health. Rolling type moves are made with the thumbs and fingers on muscles, tendons ligaments and fascia bringing tension release through connective tissue and the nervous system and restoring the body's natural healing ability. It promotes pain relief, recovery of energy and functionality to the body.When a gentle Bowen move is made a profound effect occurs in the body. The brain is focused onto that part of the body and begins to ask questions as to the state of health that area is in. The body responds by sending the answers to those questions to the brain via the nerves. The brain is then able to work out exactly what state the body is in and what is required for it to gain optimum health. The brain then sends the appropriate response to the body, for the body to correct itself. The unique benefit of the Bowen Technique is that the body is given the opportunity to correct itself. By bringing tension release throughout the body with the Bowen Technique, tension and imbalances are prevented from building up and thus the body is in its optimum state.A further unique benefit of the Bowen Technique is that it can be received through light clothing, lying on one side, sitting up or even standing, thus ensuring the mum-to-be's comfort at all times. The treatment is very gentle and can be performed on newborns through to the elderly. How does it help during pregnancy?During pregnancy the Bowen Technique plays an important and integral role. As the mum-to-be's posture changes throughout her pregnancy, the spine and pelvis are vulnerable due to the stresses from carrying her unborn child. Pregnancy can create problems and exacerbate existing ones. By ensuring that the pelvis is correctly aligned through the pregnancy this will help to alleviate back pain and sciatica as well as tension in the shoulders and neckIt will also help ensure that there is no restricted blood flow to the baby and uterus and neural pathways are unhindered to the uterine and pelvic area during the pregnancy too. This will help alleviate digestive problems such as constipation, haemorrhoids, acid reflux etc. Correct alignment to the pelvis is also very beneficial for giving birth
Bowen Therapy is Holistic, Non-Invasive and Effective
The therapist touches and lightly squeezes the migraine patient in a few places and then leaves the room for two minutes. He repeats this procedure for the entire 45-minute appointment. After several weeks of such sessions, the patient reports that the migraines have diminished in frequency. How could anything so simple do so much?
This technique, which isn’t quite chiropractic, not quite massage, and not quite acupuncture, was introduced to the energy healing scene in the 1950’s by Australian Tom Bowen. Though untrained, he had learned from watching trainers and therapists. Sensing vibrations and tension in muscles and other soft tissues, he figured out what to manipulate to help the sufferer. Bowen saw thousands of patients a year and claimed an 88% success rate.
Following his death in 1982, his work was documented and introduced to the rest of the world by two of his six apprentices, Oswald and Elaine Rentsch, who established a training school in Australia.
Now we can find Bowen practitioners and teachers throughout the world. Though gentle, this amazing therapy has helped thousands of people, from infants to the elderly, where more conventional procedures have failed.
Based on the energy fields of the body, this non-invasive therapy seeks to restore balance to the body through utilization of nature’s own built-in healing processes. It does this mostly through the nervous and bio-energetic systems. Those simple appearing but expert touches by the therapist send neurological impulses to the brain, which responds by messaging the muscles to relax, resulting in a decrease in pain.
At the same time, electrical impulses are also sent to the nervous system; these stimulate the body to remember normal movement in the joints, muscles and tendons. As a result, muscle spasms decrease as blood and lymph circulation is increased, and muscles return to their length before becoming contracted. The increase in blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients to the injured area, thus speeding up its healing.
Location of the touches and squeezes is critical; most are done at the origin, insertion, or belly of the muscle. If done near a joint, the joint and ligaments are also affected. Many Bowen moves are done along the spine, over the rows of muscles running parallel to and along the spinal column. Therapy in this area often results in referred reactions elsewhere in the body, healing areas unrelated to the patient’s main complaint.
Another kind of touch is done on tendons, to relax them. Several locations the therapist touches are also acupuncture points or on acupuncture meridians, locations which are known to stimulate and balance energy in the body.
The touches and squeezes themselves are done by the therapist’s thumbs and fingers in a rolling motion on the muscles. Between these sequenced touches, the therapist often leaves the room for a minimum of two minutes. This at-rest time allows the impulses to reach body areas and for the adjustments to take place.
Bowen therapy can be done in such a way as to bring the brain to a deep meditative Alpha state, wherein the Para-sympathetic Nervous System takes over. In this condition, referred to as the automatic repair mode, more healing can take place.
Other Bowen moves can improve posture and bring organs back into a more natural position, allowing them to work better. All this is done without the use of any drugs, making Bowen a totally holistic healing modality. Also, it is done through the clothing, so only the shoes need be removed.
In regard to testing, the Bowen Technique has been researched with a varied list of conditions. An example is one study done on migraine sufferers. For this study, in 2001 – 2002, 39 patients participated, 31 of which reported significant improvement after six weeks of treatment. These patients had been suffering from migraines from ten to thirty-plus years.
Other conditions shown to improve with Bowen include: back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, bunions, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, groin tension or pain, hammer toes, hamstring pain/tightness, jaw pain/misalignment, knee, sacro-iliac and neck pain, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, scoliosis, shin splints, sternal pain, sprung ribs, tennis elbow, ADD/ADHD, restless leg syndrome and colic in infants.
Patients have seen improvement from Bowen with gynecological issues, blood pressure normalization, hiatus hernia, reflux indigestion, constipation and diarrhea. It has been used successfully in rehabilitation after stroke, for sport injuries such as sprained ankles and tennis elbow, some cardiovascular problems, sleep improvement and for respiratory problems such as asthma.
Many of these conditions have been studied, so there is the research to back up the success of the therapy.
Not uncommonly, following a Bowen treatment one experiences a cleansing reaction. This has in some cases resulted in a flu-like condition as toxins are released. There can also be an emotional release, manifested in a deep sense of relaxation or irritability. A third reaction is structural, as balance is achieved by different areas of the body. It is recommended that at least eight glasses of water be consumed following the treatments and in the following days to help flush out toxins and pain.
Dr. Michael Austin, a Bowen Practitioner/Chiropractor in Tucson, Arizona, described another unexpected result from Bowen treatment: recruitment pattern elimination. Such patterns, which develop after an injury, result from the natural tendency of our bodies to remember – to be patterned – by repetition of a particular movement. He gives the example of a person who limps after a leg injury. This limp can be remembered as an altered gait pattern, so the person continues to limp even after the injury heals.
According to Dr. Austin, “Altered gait patterns can create imbalance in the body as well as pain. It would take many months, sometimes years, of physical therapy to restore normal gait patterns and relearn walking, if at all possible. But even physical therapy will not eliminate the neurologic pathways that remember the limp. Bowen therapy appears to somehow eliminate or reduce the influence of the neurons that remember the limp. This is a remarkable process that is not seen in any other therapy.”
Dr. Austin, a Bowen Teaching Assistant, travels internationally to spread the teaching of Bowen Therapy. He shares many of the remarkable results from his practice. A few of them are described below.
A woman with over ten-years of low back pain had tried allopathic treatment, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Her reported pain scale was eight out of ten. Initial Bowen treatment included the basic relaxation moves with hamstring, sacrum, neck, and knee procedures. One week later, the patient reported no back pain. She related that she went to a baseball game with her grandson the day after her initial treatment and didn’t realize that she had no back pain until she arrived home!
Dr. Austin treated a 72-year-old female with a history of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and bilateral knee and hip replacements. Her reported pain scale was nine out of ten. Previous treatment included allopathic treatment, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Initial Bowen treatment included the basic relaxation moves plus other procedures. Upon completion of the Bowen session, the patient reported that she had no pain.
A man with bilateral knee pain from a partially torn meniscus in both knees had been told to have surgery by his orthopedic surgeon. The patient was told that though Bowen treatment would not mend the torn tissue, it might relieve the pain. At a one-week follow-up, the patient indicated his pain level was down to two from an initial eight out of ten. An OTC homeopathic remedy was recommended with a repeat of the previous Bowen session. A week later, the pain level was zero out of ten.
Another patient, a woman with a history of bilateral shoulder pain and tendonitis, had tried allopathic care and physical therapy. Initial Bowen treatment included basic relaxation moves and other upper body procedures. At her first follow-up, the pain was reduced and the previous week’s Bowen procedures were repeated. Dr. Austin added half an organic lemon to each glass of water to alkalize her body’s chemistry. One week later, full range of motion was restored and the shoulder pain was gone.
Another woman patient with a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis was treated once a week for four weeks. She was still pain-free two and a half years later. Dr. Austin reports that other autoimmune issues, such as lupus, have also been successfully treated by using Bowen, while other lupus patients reported a lessening of pain, rather than complete relief.
Dr. Austin also reports that many of his patients are referred to him by a local pain center. When the pain center’s treatment has not helped the patients, they are sent to Dr. Austin and do receive the needed relief from many different sources of pain. This is another proof that Bowen Therapy succeeds where other treatments have failed.
Bowen Therapy is an exceptional treatment modality that offers an excellent holistic source of pain relief and accelerated healing from many disorders. For help finding a practitioner, go to… .
Austin, Dr. Michael, “Bowen Therapy”.
Ariff, Nikke, “The Bowen Technique; National Migraine Research Program”. October 2001 to April 2002.
McCusker, Robert M., “A Brief Anatomical and Physiological Explanation for the Medical Profession”.
This technique, which isn’t quite chiropractic, not quite massage, and not quite acupuncture, was introduced to the energy healing scene in the 1950’s by Australian Tom Bowen. Though untrained, he had learned from watching trainers and therapists. Sensing vibrations and tension in muscles and other soft tissues, he figured out what to manipulate to help the sufferer. Bowen saw thousands of patients a year and claimed an 88% success rate.
Following his death in 1982, his work was documented and introduced to the rest of the world by two of his six apprentices, Oswald and Elaine Rentsch, who established a training school in Australia.
Now we can find Bowen practitioners and teachers throughout the world. Though gentle, this amazing therapy has helped thousands of people, from infants to the elderly, where more conventional procedures have failed.
Based on the energy fields of the body, this non-invasive therapy seeks to restore balance to the body through utilization of nature’s own built-in healing processes. It does this mostly through the nervous and bio-energetic systems. Those simple appearing but expert touches by the therapist send neurological impulses to the brain, which responds by messaging the muscles to relax, resulting in a decrease in pain.
At the same time, electrical impulses are also sent to the nervous system; these stimulate the body to remember normal movement in the joints, muscles and tendons. As a result, muscle spasms decrease as blood and lymph circulation is increased, and muscles return to their length before becoming contracted. The increase in blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients to the injured area, thus speeding up its healing.
Location of the touches and squeezes is critical; most are done at the origin, insertion, or belly of the muscle. If done near a joint, the joint and ligaments are also affected. Many Bowen moves are done along the spine, over the rows of muscles running parallel to and along the spinal column. Therapy in this area often results in referred reactions elsewhere in the body, healing areas unrelated to the patient’s main complaint.
Another kind of touch is done on tendons, to relax them. Several locations the therapist touches are also acupuncture points or on acupuncture meridians, locations which are known to stimulate and balance energy in the body.
The touches and squeezes themselves are done by the therapist’s thumbs and fingers in a rolling motion on the muscles. Between these sequenced touches, the therapist often leaves the room for a minimum of two minutes. This at-rest time allows the impulses to reach body areas and for the adjustments to take place.
Bowen therapy can be done in such a way as to bring the brain to a deep meditative Alpha state, wherein the Para-sympathetic Nervous System takes over. In this condition, referred to as the automatic repair mode, more healing can take place.
Other Bowen moves can improve posture and bring organs back into a more natural position, allowing them to work better. All this is done without the use of any drugs, making Bowen a totally holistic healing modality. Also, it is done through the clothing, so only the shoes need be removed.
In regard to testing, the Bowen Technique has been researched with a varied list of conditions. An example is one study done on migraine sufferers. For this study, in 2001 – 2002, 39 patients participated, 31 of which reported significant improvement after six weeks of treatment. These patients had been suffering from migraines from ten to thirty-plus years.
Other conditions shown to improve with Bowen include: back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, bunions, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, groin tension or pain, hammer toes, hamstring pain/tightness, jaw pain/misalignment, knee, sacro-iliac and neck pain, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, scoliosis, shin splints, sternal pain, sprung ribs, tennis elbow, ADD/ADHD, restless leg syndrome and colic in infants.
Patients have seen improvement from Bowen with gynecological issues, blood pressure normalization, hiatus hernia, reflux indigestion, constipation and diarrhea. It has been used successfully in rehabilitation after stroke, for sport injuries such as sprained ankles and tennis elbow, some cardiovascular problems, sleep improvement and for respiratory problems such as asthma.
Many of these conditions have been studied, so there is the research to back up the success of the therapy.
Not uncommonly, following a Bowen treatment one experiences a cleansing reaction. This has in some cases resulted in a flu-like condition as toxins are released. There can also be an emotional release, manifested in a deep sense of relaxation or irritability. A third reaction is structural, as balance is achieved by different areas of the body. It is recommended that at least eight glasses of water be consumed following the treatments and in the following days to help flush out toxins and pain.
Dr. Michael Austin, a Bowen Practitioner/Chiropractor in Tucson, Arizona, described another unexpected result from Bowen treatment: recruitment pattern elimination. Such patterns, which develop after an injury, result from the natural tendency of our bodies to remember – to be patterned – by repetition of a particular movement. He gives the example of a person who limps after a leg injury. This limp can be remembered as an altered gait pattern, so the person continues to limp even after the injury heals.
According to Dr. Austin, “Altered gait patterns can create imbalance in the body as well as pain. It would take many months, sometimes years, of physical therapy to restore normal gait patterns and relearn walking, if at all possible. But even physical therapy will not eliminate the neurologic pathways that remember the limp. Bowen therapy appears to somehow eliminate or reduce the influence of the neurons that remember the limp. This is a remarkable process that is not seen in any other therapy.”
Dr. Austin, a Bowen Teaching Assistant, travels internationally to spread the teaching of Bowen Therapy. He shares many of the remarkable results from his practice. A few of them are described below.
A woman with over ten-years of low back pain had tried allopathic treatment, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Her reported pain scale was eight out of ten. Initial Bowen treatment included the basic relaxation moves with hamstring, sacrum, neck, and knee procedures. One week later, the patient reported no back pain. She related that she went to a baseball game with her grandson the day after her initial treatment and didn’t realize that she had no back pain until she arrived home!
Dr. Austin treated a 72-year-old female with a history of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and bilateral knee and hip replacements. Her reported pain scale was nine out of ten. Previous treatment included allopathic treatment, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Initial Bowen treatment included the basic relaxation moves plus other procedures. Upon completion of the Bowen session, the patient reported that she had no pain.
A man with bilateral knee pain from a partially torn meniscus in both knees had been told to have surgery by his orthopedic surgeon. The patient was told that though Bowen treatment would not mend the torn tissue, it might relieve the pain. At a one-week follow-up, the patient indicated his pain level was down to two from an initial eight out of ten. An OTC homeopathic remedy was recommended with a repeat of the previous Bowen session. A week later, the pain level was zero out of ten.
Another patient, a woman with a history of bilateral shoulder pain and tendonitis, had tried allopathic care and physical therapy. Initial Bowen treatment included basic relaxation moves and other upper body procedures. At her first follow-up, the pain was reduced and the previous week’s Bowen procedures were repeated. Dr. Austin added half an organic lemon to each glass of water to alkalize her body’s chemistry. One week later, full range of motion was restored and the shoulder pain was gone.
Another woman patient with a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis was treated once a week for four weeks. She was still pain-free two and a half years later. Dr. Austin reports that other autoimmune issues, such as lupus, have also been successfully treated by using Bowen, while other lupus patients reported a lessening of pain, rather than complete relief.
Dr. Austin also reports that many of his patients are referred to him by a local pain center. When the pain center’s treatment has not helped the patients, they are sent to Dr. Austin and do receive the needed relief from many different sources of pain. This is another proof that Bowen Therapy succeeds where other treatments have failed.
Bowen Therapy is an exceptional treatment modality that offers an excellent holistic source of pain relief and accelerated healing from many disorders. For help finding a practitioner, go to… .
Austin, Dr. Michael, “Bowen Therapy”.
Ariff, Nikke, “The Bowen Technique; National Migraine Research Program”. October 2001 to April 2002.
McCusker, Robert M., “A Brief Anatomical and Physiological Explanation for the Medical Profession”.
What is Bowen Therapy ?
The Bowen Technique is a gentle remedial therapy which stimulates the body to rebalance itself and promotes healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and boost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapists acknowledge that the body has the ability to adjust, adapt and heal itself and treatment aims to assist the body with this.
Common conditions that are treated by Bowen therapists include: Back pain, neck pain, headaches, restricted shoulder, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory problems, hayfever, kidney problems, high blood pressure, arthritis and knee pain. Bowen Therapy can also be used for stress management, fatigue and sleep problems.
The Bowen Technique is a gentle remedial therapy which stimulates the body to rebalance itself and promotes healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and boost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapists acknowledge that the body has the ability to adjust, adapt and heal itself and treatment aims to assist the body with this.
Common conditions that are treated by Bowen therapists include: Back pain, neck pain, headaches, restricted shoulder, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory problems, hayfever, kidney problems, high blood pressure, arthritis and knee pain. Bowen Therapy can also be used for stress management, fatigue and sleep problems.
What is Swine Flue ?
&A: What is swine flu?
Posted Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:11pm AEST Updated Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:44pm AEST
Slideshow: Photo 1 of 2
Swine flu has killed up to 103 people in Mexico and shut down chunks of the capital. (AFP: Luis Acosta)
Audio: What is swine flu? (ABC News)
Health authorities across the globe are taking steps to try to stem the spread of swine flu after outbreaks in Mexico and the United States, and suspected cases elsewhere. RN Breakfast's science correspondent Dr Chris Smith and the World Health Organisation (WHO) explain how swine flu is spread from animals to humans.
Q: What do we know about the swine flu virus in general and what do we know about this new strain?
Dr Chris Smith: The flu is a very ancestrally old illness. It's a virus that has been around for thousands of years. It started off as an infection in birds and slowly over those thousands of years diversified to infect every single warm-blooded animal on Earth and a few cold-blooded ones, including snakes.
All these different organisms have their own forms of flu and periodically they can exchange them with other related animals. Birds can exchange their forms of flu with us, that gives us bird flu and periodically spawns one type of pandemic. Also, pigs can exchange their form of flu with birds and perhaps other large mammals, including horses. Because pigs, as very big mammals, are so similar to humans, they can also exchange viruses with humans and this is why we think the present outbreak could have occurred.
A pig could have had a form of flu and if a pig worker infects that pig with a form of human flu, the pig can then be co-infected with two very similar viruses at the same time. The way that flu organises its genetic material makes it very easy for the virus to do what is called reassortment. You can get a hybrid where the worst bits of both viruses combine, producing a super-virus.
You end up with a virus which has an outer coat resembling the outer coat of the pig form of the virus, but has the inner workings and the ability to evade the human immune system of the human form, which means it can spread very readily amongst humans. Because it looks like nothing we've seen before, there is no "herd immunity" in the population, so it spreads very effectively and very easily.
Q: When and where do swine flu outbreaks occur?
WHO: Outbreaks in pigs occur year round, usually in the autumn and winter in temperate zones. Since international health regulations were implemented in 2007, WHO has been notified of swine influenza cases from the United States and Spain.
Governments do not have to notify international animal health authorities about swine flu outbreaks, therefore its international distribution in animals is not well known. The disease is considered endemic in the United States. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the UK, Sweden, and Italy), Africa (Kenya) and in parts of eastern Asia including China and Japan.
Q: This super-virus we're looking at now is said to be a cross between a pig flu, a human flu and also the bird flu, which has been deadly too. Does this make it even more dangerous?
Dr Smith: Flu is broken down into a number of different types: there's flu A, flu B and flu C. Flu A is the bird form and, of course, humans also have a flu A. Then we further categorise it according to the surface molecules, the H (for Haemagglutinin) and the N on the surface.
This new strain is a H1N1 virus, which we know circulates in humans, pigs and birds. It's possible that the pig initially got some of its flu from a bird and then co-mixed that with the human form to produce this hybrid, which is why you can find elements of all three.
It is very much early days and the big focus now, through infection control organisations like the Centres for Disease and Prevention (CDP) and the WHO, will be to interrogate this virus at a molecular level.
In other words, look at the genetic make-up, sequence the virus, and once they've got the genetic sequence you can begin to unpick where it's come from, what its origins are, and therefore begin to build the story as to what its likely outcome will be.
WHO: Swine flu viruses are most commonly of the H1N1 subtype but other subtypes g (H1N2, H3N1 and H3N) are also circulating. The H3N2 swine virus was thought to have been originally introduced into pigs by humans.
An influenza virus containing genes from a number of sources is called a "reassortant" virus. Swine flu viruses are normally species specific and only infect pigs, but sometimes they cross the species barrier to cause disease in humans.
Q: The World Health Organisation has activated stage three of its six stage global influenza plan and that puts nations on pandemic alert. Stage three is activated when there is "no or limited human-to-human transmission". But how could the virus have spread as it has without human-to-human transmission?
Dr Smith: The key thing here is going to be the epidemiology. In other words, looking at the numbers and how they relate to populations. What Mexico and then the subsequent cases in America tell us is that there are no confirmed examples of all of these other cases all having links to pigs.
Normally when we see these "zoonotic jumps" (a virus which is normally found in one animal getting into people, like H5N1 bird flu), when you see human cases there is some association with an animal. You cannot account for the cases that are happening in other countries like America on those grounds.
So there must be some other factor, some other ingredient. We think that's probably human-to-human transmission and so that's why people are worried because we think we're seeing onward transmission now, and not just to a few cases but to lots of cases.
Normally when these viruses jump out of their host species and get into a new species, it's somewhat constrained in its ability to multiply and spread, because the virus has found itself in foreign territory - us, rather than an animal - to which its ill-adapted.
This virus doesn't seem to be ill-adapted in that way, suggesting it's well-adapted to life in a human, enabling it to spread efficiently from one person to the next.
Given how infectious the flu is, and given how mobile the human population is around the planet, the UK government in a working party report in 2000 suggested there is something like 500,000 people airborne around planet Earth at any instant in time - this means the potential for this to spread far and wide, very quickly, is high.
WHO: People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and closed groups of people.
It is likely that most people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection.
If a swine virus establishes efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors.
Q: What are the symptoms of this flu and how does it kill you?
Dr Smith: The health protection agency in the UK has drawn up an algorithm as to how they intend to assess people. The first point on the algorithm is geography. Have people come in from an area where we're seeing disease activity? That includes obviously parts of the US now but chiefly Mexico.
Then there is a symptom algorithm. It's a temperature of more than 38 degrees, or a history of a temperature of more than 38 degrees and not only respiratory symptoms (for example, a runny nose) or a headache but also diarrhoea and vomiting.
Some of the US cases have presented with diarrhoea, though it's not clear actually if those symptoms were incidental. But because this is a foreign virus getting into people it could present in an atypical way.
They're using that initial screening and then activating various molecular tests, using tests that can detect the genetic material of the virus to see if we're onto this form of flu.
WHO: Swine flu tends to be associated with high morbidity (that is, it infects a large proportion of an area's population) but low mortality (less than 5 per cent of infected patients die of the disease).
Generally clinical symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza but reported clinical presentation ranges broadly from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia resulting in death.
Since typical clinical presentation of swine influenza infection in humans resembles seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most of the cases have been detected by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild or asymptomatic cases may have escaped from recognition; therefore the true extent of this disease among humans is unknown.
Is it safe to eat pork meat and pork products?
WHO: Yes. Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius, corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?
WHO: There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection.
Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?
WHO: Antiviral drugs for seasonal influenza are available in some countries and effectively prevent and treat the illness. There are two classes of such medicines, adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine) and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine flu cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some flu viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of chemoprophylaxis and treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine flu in the United States were sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.
There is not enough information for the WHO to make recommendations on the use of the antivirals in prevention and treatment of swine flu virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the prophylaxis/treatment of the patient.
For the ongoing outbreak of the swine flu infection in the United States and Mexico, the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment and prevention of the disease based on the virus's susceptibility profile.
Posted Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:11pm AEST Updated Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:44pm AEST
Slideshow: Photo 1 of 2
Swine flu has killed up to 103 people in Mexico and shut down chunks of the capital. (AFP: Luis Acosta)
Audio: What is swine flu? (ABC News)
Health authorities across the globe are taking steps to try to stem the spread of swine flu after outbreaks in Mexico and the United States, and suspected cases elsewhere. RN Breakfast's science correspondent Dr Chris Smith and the World Health Organisation (WHO) explain how swine flu is spread from animals to humans.
Q: What do we know about the swine flu virus in general and what do we know about this new strain?
Dr Chris Smith: The flu is a very ancestrally old illness. It's a virus that has been around for thousands of years. It started off as an infection in birds and slowly over those thousands of years diversified to infect every single warm-blooded animal on Earth and a few cold-blooded ones, including snakes.
All these different organisms have their own forms of flu and periodically they can exchange them with other related animals. Birds can exchange their forms of flu with us, that gives us bird flu and periodically spawns one type of pandemic. Also, pigs can exchange their form of flu with birds and perhaps other large mammals, including horses. Because pigs, as very big mammals, are so similar to humans, they can also exchange viruses with humans and this is why we think the present outbreak could have occurred.
A pig could have had a form of flu and if a pig worker infects that pig with a form of human flu, the pig can then be co-infected with two very similar viruses at the same time. The way that flu organises its genetic material makes it very easy for the virus to do what is called reassortment. You can get a hybrid where the worst bits of both viruses combine, producing a super-virus.
You end up with a virus which has an outer coat resembling the outer coat of the pig form of the virus, but has the inner workings and the ability to evade the human immune system of the human form, which means it can spread very readily amongst humans. Because it looks like nothing we've seen before, there is no "herd immunity" in the population, so it spreads very effectively and very easily.
Q: When and where do swine flu outbreaks occur?
WHO: Outbreaks in pigs occur year round, usually in the autumn and winter in temperate zones. Since international health regulations were implemented in 2007, WHO has been notified of swine influenza cases from the United States and Spain.
Governments do not have to notify international animal health authorities about swine flu outbreaks, therefore its international distribution in animals is not well known. The disease is considered endemic in the United States. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the UK, Sweden, and Italy), Africa (Kenya) and in parts of eastern Asia including China and Japan.
Q: This super-virus we're looking at now is said to be a cross between a pig flu, a human flu and also the bird flu, which has been deadly too. Does this make it even more dangerous?
Dr Smith: Flu is broken down into a number of different types: there's flu A, flu B and flu C. Flu A is the bird form and, of course, humans also have a flu A. Then we further categorise it according to the surface molecules, the H (for Haemagglutinin) and the N on the surface.
This new strain is a H1N1 virus, which we know circulates in humans, pigs and birds. It's possible that the pig initially got some of its flu from a bird and then co-mixed that with the human form to produce this hybrid, which is why you can find elements of all three.
It is very much early days and the big focus now, through infection control organisations like the Centres for Disease and Prevention (CDP) and the WHO, will be to interrogate this virus at a molecular level.
In other words, look at the genetic make-up, sequence the virus, and once they've got the genetic sequence you can begin to unpick where it's come from, what its origins are, and therefore begin to build the story as to what its likely outcome will be.
WHO: Swine flu viruses are most commonly of the H1N1 subtype but other subtypes g (H1N2, H3N1 and H3N) are also circulating. The H3N2 swine virus was thought to have been originally introduced into pigs by humans.
An influenza virus containing genes from a number of sources is called a "reassortant" virus. Swine flu viruses are normally species specific and only infect pigs, but sometimes they cross the species barrier to cause disease in humans.
Q: The World Health Organisation has activated stage three of its six stage global influenza plan and that puts nations on pandemic alert. Stage three is activated when there is "no or limited human-to-human transmission". But how could the virus have spread as it has without human-to-human transmission?
Dr Smith: The key thing here is going to be the epidemiology. In other words, looking at the numbers and how they relate to populations. What Mexico and then the subsequent cases in America tell us is that there are no confirmed examples of all of these other cases all having links to pigs.
Normally when we see these "zoonotic jumps" (a virus which is normally found in one animal getting into people, like H5N1 bird flu), when you see human cases there is some association with an animal. You cannot account for the cases that are happening in other countries like America on those grounds.
So there must be some other factor, some other ingredient. We think that's probably human-to-human transmission and so that's why people are worried because we think we're seeing onward transmission now, and not just to a few cases but to lots of cases.
Normally when these viruses jump out of their host species and get into a new species, it's somewhat constrained in its ability to multiply and spread, because the virus has found itself in foreign territory - us, rather than an animal - to which its ill-adapted.
This virus doesn't seem to be ill-adapted in that way, suggesting it's well-adapted to life in a human, enabling it to spread efficiently from one person to the next.
Given how infectious the flu is, and given how mobile the human population is around the planet, the UK government in a working party report in 2000 suggested there is something like 500,000 people airborne around planet Earth at any instant in time - this means the potential for this to spread far and wide, very quickly, is high.
WHO: People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and closed groups of people.
It is likely that most people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection.
If a swine virus establishes efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors.
Q: What are the symptoms of this flu and how does it kill you?
Dr Smith: The health protection agency in the UK has drawn up an algorithm as to how they intend to assess people. The first point on the algorithm is geography. Have people come in from an area where we're seeing disease activity? That includes obviously parts of the US now but chiefly Mexico.
Then there is a symptom algorithm. It's a temperature of more than 38 degrees, or a history of a temperature of more than 38 degrees and not only respiratory symptoms (for example, a runny nose) or a headache but also diarrhoea and vomiting.
Some of the US cases have presented with diarrhoea, though it's not clear actually if those symptoms were incidental. But because this is a foreign virus getting into people it could present in an atypical way.
They're using that initial screening and then activating various molecular tests, using tests that can detect the genetic material of the virus to see if we're onto this form of flu.
WHO: Swine flu tends to be associated with high morbidity (that is, it infects a large proportion of an area's population) but low mortality (less than 5 per cent of infected patients die of the disease).
Generally clinical symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza but reported clinical presentation ranges broadly from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia resulting in death.
Since typical clinical presentation of swine influenza infection in humans resembles seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most of the cases have been detected by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild or asymptomatic cases may have escaped from recognition; therefore the true extent of this disease among humans is unknown.
Is it safe to eat pork meat and pork products?
WHO: Yes. Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius, corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?
WHO: There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection.
Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?
WHO: Antiviral drugs for seasonal influenza are available in some countries and effectively prevent and treat the illness. There are two classes of such medicines, adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine) and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine flu cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some flu viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of chemoprophylaxis and treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine flu in the United States were sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.
There is not enough information for the WHO to make recommendations on the use of the antivirals in prevention and treatment of swine flu virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the prophylaxis/treatment of the patient.
For the ongoing outbreak of the swine flu infection in the United States and Mexico, the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment and prevention of the disease based on the virus's susceptibility profile.
Bowen Technique - Bowen therapist - A Simple Way Cure
The Bowen Technique is a simple, yet highly specific, hands-on procedure which has been widely practised in Australia since its development in the 1950`s by Mr. Tom Bowen.Unique in the field of bodywork, the Bowen Technique´s relatively few, gentle moves over muscle and connective tissue address the whole body, stimulating it to reset and healitself. A Bowen Therapy session lasts from half an hour to an hour, leaving the patient feeling balanced and in a state of full relaxation; studies having shown that deep levelsof relaxation have a positive effect on our immune and hormonal systems.
The Bowen Technique is also extremely effective in the treatment of musculo-skeletal problems. Back pain, neck pain sports injuries and many other ailments have been cured by the Bowen Technique. There are many theories as to how the Bowen Technique works, but none that completely explain its holistic effect and often outstanding results.
The Bowen Technique (Bowtech) is currently being used in U.K hospitals and private clinics around Europe. Non-invasive and cost-effective, Bowen Therapy treatment has a demonstrable effect on many chronic medical problems, including asthma, hay fever, and various types of pains and headaches.
Psychological effects are also widely reported by Bowen Therapists and their patients. These effects include increased ability to focus, mood elevation, improved sleep qualityand better coping skills. The beneficial effects of Bowen Therapy have been attributed to its ability to return the body to a more balanced state of equilibrium.
The Bowen Technique is also extremely effective in the treatment of musculo-skeletal problems. Back pain, neck pain sports injuries and many other ailments have been cured by the Bowen Technique. There are many theories as to how the Bowen Technique works, but none that completely explain its holistic effect and often outstanding results.
The Bowen Technique (Bowtech) is currently being used in U.K hospitals and private clinics around Europe. Non-invasive and cost-effective, Bowen Therapy treatment has a demonstrable effect on many chronic medical problems, including asthma, hay fever, and various types of pains and headaches.
Psychological effects are also widely reported by Bowen Therapists and their patients. These effects include increased ability to focus, mood elevation, improved sleep qualityand better coping skills. The beneficial effects of Bowen Therapy have been attributed to its ability to return the body to a more balanced state of equilibrium.
Bowen Therapy - Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a gentle remedial therapy which stimulates the body to rebalance itself and promotes healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and boost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapists acknowledge that the body has the ability to adjust, adapt and heal itself and treatment aims to assist the body with this.
Common conditions that are treated by Bowen therapists include: Back pain, neck pain, headaches, restricted shoulder, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory problems, hayfever, kidney problems, high blood pressure, arthritis and knee pain. Bowen Therapy can also be used for stress management, fatigue and sleep problemsAfter suffering constant unbearable pain in my right hip resulting in two injections into the Piriformis muscle, and the prospect of surgical intervention, after just one Bowen treatment I felt better than I had done for the previous two years.” Spencer Stevenson (Former England Rugby Player)
Bowen therapy is one of the best therapy in this curernt time. Go Bowen Therapy
Common conditions that are treated by Bowen therapists include: Back pain, neck pain, headaches, restricted shoulder, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory problems, hayfever, kidney problems, high blood pressure, arthritis and knee pain. Bowen Therapy can also be used for stress management, fatigue and sleep problemsAfter suffering constant unbearable pain in my right hip resulting in two injections into the Piriformis muscle, and the prospect of surgical intervention, after just one Bowen treatment I felt better than I had done for the previous two years.” Spencer Stevenson (Former England Rugby Player)
Bowen therapy is one of the best therapy in this curernt time. Go Bowen Therapy
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Know Bowen Therapy and Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy technique is a holistic alternative therapy. This technique was discovered and put into practise by Thomas A. Bowen in the late 1970’s. It is non-invasive in nature and the practitioner uses gentle moves at key pressure points to help the body to re-balance itself. With the hands, the practitioner moves the muscles and tissues such that there is a release of tension and blockages. These movements consist of a subtle rolling of muscle, nerve, tendon, and connective tissue. This release empowers the body’s own resources to naturally reset and help in its natural healing process. The Bowen sessions usually result in a deep feeling of relaxation.
The Bowen Technique is neither massage, or reflexology, or acupressure, nor is it chiropractic in nature. Bowens therapy works by first gently relaxing the body’s muscles and connective tissue and removing any distortions in these areas. This helps to increase the body’s circulation of blood, thus enabling different organs and body systems to get more oxygen and nutrient supplies. Bowen therapy also stimulates the lymphatic system, responsible for the defence of the body. This stimulation helps in toxin removal from the body. The Bowen therapy techniques also invigorate the nervous system and promote healthier nerve supply throughout the body. This technique has been proven to stimulate the endocrine system, and help correct any hormonal imbalances as well.
Practitioners have found that the Bowen therapy achieves rapid and lasting relief from a wide spectrum of conditions such as respiratory problems, digestive conditions, joint aches and pain and certain infections as well.
In a usual Bowen massage therapy session, the patient lies on a bed and wears loosely fitting clothes. In between each set of moves, the practitioner leaves the room so that the patient experiences the utmost sense of calm. A single session usually lasts for an hour and takes place at seven day intervals. Often two to five sessions are more than enough for the treatment of most conditions.
Bowen therapy is quite safe to use on anyone, from babies to the elderly, as there are no vigorous manipulations involved in this therapy. This therapy is known to be effective for mental stimulation as well. It has been shown to improve concentration and memory levels. Bowen therapy is also effective against psychological problems such as stress and depression.
While it can help speed up recovery time, Bowen therapy is not meant to replace medical treatment. It can be effectively used as a complementary therapy.
The Bowen Technique is neither massage, or reflexology, or acupressure, nor is it chiropractic in nature. Bowens therapy works by first gently relaxing the body’s muscles and connective tissue and removing any distortions in these areas. This helps to increase the body’s circulation of blood, thus enabling different organs and body systems to get more oxygen and nutrient supplies. Bowen therapy also stimulates the lymphatic system, responsible for the defence of the body. This stimulation helps in toxin removal from the body. The Bowen therapy techniques also invigorate the nervous system and promote healthier nerve supply throughout the body. This technique has been proven to stimulate the endocrine system, and help correct any hormonal imbalances as well.
Practitioners have found that the Bowen therapy achieves rapid and lasting relief from a wide spectrum of conditions such as respiratory problems, digestive conditions, joint aches and pain and certain infections as well.
In a usual Bowen massage therapy session, the patient lies on a bed and wears loosely fitting clothes. In between each set of moves, the practitioner leaves the room so that the patient experiences the utmost sense of calm. A single session usually lasts for an hour and takes place at seven day intervals. Often two to five sessions are more than enough for the treatment of most conditions.
Bowen therapy is quite safe to use on anyone, from babies to the elderly, as there are no vigorous manipulations involved in this therapy. This therapy is known to be effective for mental stimulation as well. It has been shown to improve concentration and memory levels. Bowen therapy is also effective against psychological problems such as stress and depression.
While it can help speed up recovery time, Bowen therapy is not meant to replace medical treatment. It can be effectively used as a complementary therapy.
Bowen Therapy is a Unique Techniquee
Bowen Therapy is a unique bodywork technique, which involves a series of gentle, precisely placed movements on the body.
These moves create a ripple effect of pain relief and relaxation through the entire body.
This technique essentially r... show more
Bowen Therapy is a unique bodywork technique, which involves a series of gentle, precisely placed movements on the body.
These moves create a ripple effect of pain relief and relaxation through the entire body.
This technique essentially reminds the body of the way it's meant to be, so it relaxes tight muscles, and tones loose ones. Injury healing time is vastly reduced and results for most problems are seen quickly.
Because your body is returning to it's natural state, results are lasting
These moves create a ripple effect of pain relief and relaxation through the entire body.
This technique essentially r... show more
Bowen Therapy is a unique bodywork technique, which involves a series of gentle, precisely placed movements on the body.
These moves create a ripple effect of pain relief and relaxation through the entire body.
This technique essentially reminds the body of the way it's meant to be, so it relaxes tight muscles, and tones loose ones. Injury healing time is vastly reduced and results for most problems are seen quickly.
Because your body is returning to it's natural state, results are lasting
Nine Words Women Use...................
Nine words women use...
1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8.) Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.Then you RUN!
1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8.) Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.Then you RUN!
List of bowen therapists and practioners in Victoria
To find a Local Bowen Therapist in Your Area, please click the link below.
I have personally dealt with Rosie Brock in Diamond Creek Area and had received 3 Bowen Therapy treatments and it cured my severe back pain. By the end of third treatment I was feeling wonderful. I thoroughly recommend her.
I have personally dealt with Rosie Brock in Diamond Creek Area and had received 3 Bowen Therapy treatments and it cured my severe back pain. By the end of third treatment I was feeling wonderful. I thoroughly recommend her.
Ipod Listeners have Damaged Hearing
UP TO a quarter of iPod users have listening habits that can damage their hearing, research shows.
The US-based study also found asking a teenager to turn down their MP3 player could have the opposite affect, while teens who voiced the most concern about hearing loss often played their music the loudest.
"We really don't have a good explanation for why teens concerned about hearing loss risk actually play their music louder than others,'' said doctoral candidate Cory Portnuff, of the University of Colorado.
"But we do know that teens who knew what the benefits were of listening at lower levels had less hearing loss risk, which is why we believe targeted education is the key.''
The study found teenage boys generally listened to their personal MP3 players at a higher volume than girls. Teens played their music louder than young adults did, and teens may inaccurately perceive how loudly they were playing their music.
Mr Portnuff said risky iPod listening was determined by time as well as volume, plus a third less quantifiable factor - ear sensitivity." title="permanent link">#
The US-based study also found asking a teenager to turn down their MP3 player could have the opposite affect, while teens who voiced the most concern about hearing loss often played their music the loudest.
"We really don't have a good explanation for why teens concerned about hearing loss risk actually play their music louder than others,'' said doctoral candidate Cory Portnuff, of the University of Colorado.
"But we do know that teens who knew what the benefits were of listening at lower levels had less hearing loss risk, which is why we believe targeted education is the key.''
The study found teenage boys generally listened to their personal MP3 players at a higher volume than girls. Teens played their music louder than young adults did, and teens may inaccurately perceive how loudly they were playing their music.
Mr Portnuff said risky iPod listening was determined by time as well as volume, plus a third less quantifiable factor - ear sensitivity." title="permanent link">#
World's Biggest Fake Breasts
A US housewife has undergone nine breast enlargement operations to become the proud owner of the biggest fake breasts in the world.
Blonde Sheyla Hershey will appear on British television tonight after boosting her breasts to 38KKK.
Medics warned the 28-year-old that her breasts are in danger of exploding but that did not stop Sheyla going under the knife for the record breaking surgery.
Gallery: Best and worst breast jobs,22056,5023163-5010141,00.html
Blonde Sheyla Hershey will appear on British television tonight after boosting her breasts to 38KKK.
Medics warned the 28-year-old that her breasts are in danger of exploding but that did not stop Sheyla going under the knife for the record breaking surgery.
Gallery: Best and worst breast jobs,22056,5023163-5010141,00.html
Vote against worst junk food ads
We gotta take a step and not let it be encoraged, as healthy food leads to health mind and life. Only therapies cant get us great helthy life its a combination of things :
Parents fed up with television ads that use toys and catchy jingles to encourage children to eat junk food are being encouraged to vote for the worst offenders.
The 2006 Children's TV Food Advertising Awards, held annually by lobby group The Parents Jury, aims to raise awareness of misleading techniques used by some advertisers to sell junk food during children's TV shows.
Source :
Parents fed up with television ads that use toys and catchy jingles to encourage children to eat junk food are being encouraged to vote for the worst offenders.
The 2006 Children's TV Food Advertising Awards, held annually by lobby group The Parents Jury, aims to raise awareness of misleading techniques used by some advertisers to sell junk food during children's TV shows.
Source :
7 Pains You Should Never Ignore
Sudden Groin Pain
Sever Back Pain
Persistent Foot or Shin Pain
Sharp Pain in Abdomen
Transient Chest Pain
Leg Pain with Swelling
Painful Urination
6 Ways to Get Better Night Sleep
Good Night Sleep is Very Important to cure All the Pains and Mental Tension. Good Night Sleep is the key to very healthy body and healthy mind.
Here are 6 Ways To Get A Better Night’s Sleep.
They may sound simple- but can actually take some work!
Set your alarm clock for earlier - Early to bed, early to rise. Set your alarm clock for 5:30 am and force yourself to get out of bed everyday. It is important to do this every single morning so that you can train your body. Before you know it, you won't even need the alarm clock.
Read the Right Material - One hour before going to bed, get yourself ready for bed. Try to relax, maybe read a book. Nothing that is mind bending and going to require a lot of thought.
Make your bedroom a Dark Area - Get rid of all light sources. Even small amounts of light can affect your quality of sleep. Pitch black is the ideal situation.
Sweep Your Mind for Stray Thoughts – Keep a journal bedside where you can write down all the things you are thinking about going to bed that night. Sweeping your mind of all active thoughts can help you sleep better.
Don’t use the Computer or watch TV just before going to Bed - While the picture on your computer screen might look like a bunch of windows and images standing still or moving the way things in real life move, the reality is that the screen is being redrawn so fast that the illusion of motion, or even solidity, is present. While you might not see a bombardment of repetitive flashing, your eyes and senses get hit with the strain of it, causing further stimulation to the eyes and brain. Best to have down time without the computer or the tv if you want to have effective sleep
Be as Comfortable As Possible: Use Good Ergonomics while sleeping- If you sleep on the couch with your head pushed forward, it is highly likely that you may wake up with a stiff neck. Sleeping with a comfortable neck pillow is very important to get a good night’s sleep.
After Bowen Treatment
The Week After the Treatment
Continue to walk least 20 minutes each day, or take two or three short walks. This helps clean out the body's "pumps" and move the pain out.
Reserve your energy for healing your body.
Drink 8-10 glasses per day to flush the pain out.
Your body will continue to heal during the next week. Any form of bodywork, even a backrub, can "short-circuit" the healing process.
No ice packs, heating pads, hot showers or hot baths.6. EAT LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits and vegetables "soothe" the body and help reduce pain.
The 3 W's
WALK at least 20 minutes each day
WATER drink at least 8-10 glasses per day
WAIT one week before you have any kind of body work
Continue to walk least 20 minutes each day, or take two or three short walks. This helps clean out the body's "pumps" and move the pain out.
Reserve your energy for healing your body.
Drink 8-10 glasses per day to flush the pain out.
Your body will continue to heal during the next week. Any form of bodywork, even a backrub, can "short-circuit" the healing process.
No ice packs, heating pads, hot showers or hot baths.6. EAT LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits and vegetables "soothe" the body and help reduce pain.
The 3 W's
WALK at least 20 minutes each day
WATER drink at least 8-10 glasses per day
WAIT one week before you have any kind of body work
On The Day of the BOWEN Treatment
Right after your session, go out and take a 15 - 20 minute walk.For the rest of the day, do not sit too long.Get up about every 30 minutes and walk around a bit.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water to flush the toxins out of your body.
Avoid heavy lifting or exercise.
No heating pads, ice packs, hot showers or hot baths.
Put your weight on BOTH FEET when you stand up, get out out of bed, a chair or a car.This will help bring balance back into your body.
Right after your session, go out and take a 15 - 20 minute walk.For the rest of the day, do not sit too long.Get up about every 30 minutes and walk around a bit.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water to flush the toxins out of your body.
Avoid heavy lifting or exercise.
No heating pads, ice packs, hot showers or hot baths.
Put your weight on BOTH FEET when you stand up, get out out of bed, a chair or a car.This will help bring balance back into your body.
Bowen Therapy Treatment
A Bowen Treatment
A Bowen treatment lasts about 30-45 minutes. Most of the work can be done through light clothing. No oils are used.
During a Bowen session, the practitioner uses thumbs and fingers to make rolling type moves on different muscles on the body. There are times when the therapist actually leaves the room. During the pauses, the body has time to make its own adjustments, which help relieve tension and reduce pain.
Many people experience pain relief after just one session. Two or three treatments are usually enough to achieve long-lasting relief. Even long-term conditions may respond very quickly.
The ideal situation is to give the Bowen Technique a try for 3 sessions, once per week, without having any other kind of bodywork in between.
Go Bowen !
A Bowen treatment lasts about 30-45 minutes. Most of the work can be done through light clothing. No oils are used.
During a Bowen session, the practitioner uses thumbs and fingers to make rolling type moves on different muscles on the body. There are times when the therapist actually leaves the room. During the pauses, the body has time to make its own adjustments, which help relieve tension and reduce pain.
Many people experience pain relief after just one session. Two or three treatments are usually enough to achieve long-lasting relief. Even long-term conditions may respond very quickly.
The ideal situation is to give the Bowen Technique a try for 3 sessions, once per week, without having any other kind of bodywork in between.
Go Bowen !
Bowen Therapy for Dogs
Bowen Therapy Just like you and I, dogs too get tired, sore muscles and back problems, this effects their movement and moods.
Bowen therapy is a gentle non-invasive therapy, that rewards us with wonderful results that inturn makes our animals life a lot happier.
This dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy helps the animal's body perform at its optimal level.
Gentle moves on soft tissue stimulate energy flows, empowering the body's own resources to heal itself.
It is not massage acupressure etc, it is small precise moves on specific points of the body that relaxes the body and sets up a stimulus that encourages the body to repair itself.
You will be amazed with how wonderfully the animals respond to this therapy, and how relaxed they are with it.
If you have an animal you race, show or are training for something, then their movement is important and Bowen therapy is definitely worth looking into.
Like ourselves our animals fall over, injure themselves, over do it some days and can become involved in accidents. Bowen therapy can be a great way to help them with their healing.
Case Study :
Dog12-year-old female Greyhound with old fracture below right hock. Difficulty moving around, irritable to other dogs in household. Runs with difficulty, using a short, humped-back stride. Treated with the Bowen Technique. 3 treatments 2 weeks apart, and basic modification of diet to higher quality and some raw foods.
After 1st treatment, moving better, playing more, lots of energy which held till next treatment. Improved each time; by third treatment was running and playing like a puppy with the other dogs; and no longer irritable. Eight months later, with no other treatment, still maintaining. Owners noted that this was the first summer she was not afraid of thunderstorms. (Dr. Lynn Peck, veterinarian and animal Bowen instructor)
Bowen therapy is a gentle non-invasive therapy, that rewards us with wonderful results that inturn makes our animals life a lot happier.
This dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy helps the animal's body perform at its optimal level.
Gentle moves on soft tissue stimulate energy flows, empowering the body's own resources to heal itself.
It is not massage acupressure etc, it is small precise moves on specific points of the body that relaxes the body and sets up a stimulus that encourages the body to repair itself.
You will be amazed with how wonderfully the animals respond to this therapy, and how relaxed they are with it.
If you have an animal you race, show or are training for something, then their movement is important and Bowen therapy is definitely worth looking into.
Like ourselves our animals fall over, injure themselves, over do it some days and can become involved in accidents. Bowen therapy can be a great way to help them with their healing.
Case Study :
Dog12-year-old female Greyhound with old fracture below right hock. Difficulty moving around, irritable to other dogs in household. Runs with difficulty, using a short, humped-back stride. Treated with the Bowen Technique. 3 treatments 2 weeks apart, and basic modification of diet to higher quality and some raw foods.
After 1st treatment, moving better, playing more, lots of energy which held till next treatment. Improved each time; by third treatment was running and playing like a puppy with the other dogs; and no longer irritable. Eight months later, with no other treatment, still maintaining. Owners noted that this was the first summer she was not afraid of thunderstorms. (Dr. Lynn Peck, veterinarian and animal Bowen instructor)
Info for Career in Bowen Therapy
A career in Bowen Therapy can be very rewarding personally and financially. There are no age and few physical limitations as the therapy is gentle on the therapist as well as clients. It is a career that can be followed anywhere. The majority of therapists operate from home based practices with minimal overhead costs. Some therapists even practice while travelling. At the personal level there is little that is more rewarding and satisfying than relieving pain in clients especially when this has been long standing and badly affecting their quality of life.
Please find below a list of number of schools and universities which provide Government accredited and non Government Accredited Courses :
International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT)
For further details please contact International School of Bowen Therapy at:
Australian College of Myopractic
For further details please contact Australian College of Myopractic at:
Address:Australian College of Myopractic PO Box 2065 Chermside Centre QLD 4032
Phone:(07) 3359 8523
Fasial Kinetics
For further details please contact Fascial Kinetics at:
Address:Lynne Brown and Mark Hunter PO Box 1318 Milton BC QLD 4064
Phone:(07) 3368 1663
For further details please contact SMART BOWEN® Therapy at:
Address:Smart Bowen Pty Ltd PO Box 198 Lancefield VIC 3435
Phone:(03) 5429 2010Fax:(03) 5429 2022
South Australian Health Education Centre
For further details please contact South Australian Health Education Centre at:
Address:88 Currie Street Adelaide South Australia 5000
Phone:(08) 8410 1975
NeuroStructural Integration Technique
For further details please contact NST - NeuroStructural Integration Technique at:
Phone:(03) 5255 5229
Border College of Natural therapies
AddressBorder College of Natural Therapies116 Thomas Mitchell Drive,Wodonga VIC 3690
Ph/Fax: 02 60245814 or
Please find below a list of number of schools and universities which provide Government accredited and non Government Accredited Courses :
International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT)
For further details please contact International School of Bowen Therapy at:
Australian College of Myopractic
For further details please contact Australian College of Myopractic at:
Address:Australian College of Myopractic PO Box 2065 Chermside Centre QLD 4032
Phone:(07) 3359 8523
Fasial Kinetics
For further details please contact Fascial Kinetics at:
Address:Lynne Brown and Mark Hunter PO Box 1318 Milton BC QLD 4064
Phone:(07) 3368 1663
For further details please contact SMART BOWEN® Therapy at:
Address:Smart Bowen Pty Ltd PO Box 198 Lancefield VIC 3435
Phone:(03) 5429 2010Fax:(03) 5429 2022
South Australian Health Education Centre
For further details please contact South Australian Health Education Centre at:
Address:88 Currie Street Adelaide South Australia 5000
Phone:(08) 8410 1975
NeuroStructural Integration Technique
For further details please contact NST - NeuroStructural Integration Technique at:
Phone:(03) 5255 5229
Border College of Natural therapies
AddressBorder College of Natural Therapies116 Thomas Mitchell Drive,Wodonga VIC 3690
Ph/Fax: 02 60245814 or
How To Help Fibromyalgia Sufferers Using The Bowen Technique
I Found this interesting Article on Bowen and Fibromyalgia, have a look :
Bowen Therapy is characterized by treating the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms, leading to a high success rate. 8 - 9 of 10 see a better than 75% improvement in their condition, and a high proportion are fully resolved. ...
Bowen Technique and Importance of Water

Plasma, the straw coloured liquid that is found in blood and lymph constitutes for about 55% of blood and is 90% water. It is key in the movement of water between blood and body tissue.
If water becomes still, stops flowing, it stagnates, attracts decay and disease just as a pond or river does.The water and fluids in our body are also, or should be, in constant motion.
Our life, as a foetus, begins in a warm sac, in water in the womb that is constantly being nourished via the umbilical cord. When we become dehydrated our whole body is affected on all levels.
If we become dehydrated the body will prioritorize so that essential organs will remain hydrated. Connective tissue (fascia) will be one of the first to dehydrate leading to adhesions and fixotrophia.
James Oshman Phd. in his book ‘Energy Medicine’ cites research which shows that a 10% increase in hydration (which is quite a lot when it comes to tissue hydration) will result in a million -fold increase in conduction of impulses through the tissues such as collagen. This means our work could potentially be a whole lot more effective if we could get our clients more hydrated.
Research has shown that muscles will relax immediately when a client drinks water.
This could be as a result of protons and electrons travelling almost instantaneously through the tissue fluid matrix. It would therefore be advisable to get clients to drink more water right before a treatment and when they get up from the couch.
Excerpt taken from
Watch for many more posts to come on this site on the importance of water. Not only for the hydration of the tissues and cells of our body but to the Planet as a whole.
If water becomes still, stops flowing, it stagnates, attracts decay and disease just as a pond or river does.The water and fluids in our body are also, or should be, in constant motion.
Our life, as a foetus, begins in a warm sac, in water in the womb that is constantly being nourished via the umbilical cord. When we become dehydrated our whole body is affected on all levels.
If we become dehydrated the body will prioritorize so that essential organs will remain hydrated. Connective tissue (fascia) will be one of the first to dehydrate leading to adhesions and fixotrophia.
James Oshman Phd. in his book ‘Energy Medicine’ cites research which shows that a 10% increase in hydration (which is quite a lot when it comes to tissue hydration) will result in a million -fold increase in conduction of impulses through the tissues such as collagen. This means our work could potentially be a whole lot more effective if we could get our clients more hydrated.
Research has shown that muscles will relax immediately when a client drinks water.
This could be as a result of protons and electrons travelling almost instantaneously through the tissue fluid matrix. It would therefore be advisable to get clients to drink more water right before a treatment and when they get up from the couch.
Excerpt taken from
Watch for many more posts to come on this site on the importance of water. Not only for the hydration of the tissues and cells of our body but to the Planet as a whole.
What is Migrain ? Can Bowen Therapy Cure Migrain ?
Today we are going to talk about migraine. It is a severe headache that can last up to 4 days, is throbbing and moderate to severe. It usually is on one side of the head and can cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the person can’t stand light or sound.If we have not experienced migraine, we all know someone who has this dreadful illness. A friend of mine has migraines about once a month stays in her bedroom for 4-5 days at a time and will try anything to get rid of them. Some migraines can be related to the female hormone estrogen. Her doctor put her on hormone replacement therapy which had various side effects, the worse one being excessive weight gain.What Causes MigraineThe exact medical cause of migraine is unknown. It involves changes in brain and scalp blood flow, dilation and constriction of the arteries and veins. Inflammation of the nervous system and changes to the permeability of the capillaries may be involved. The capillaries are the small arterial blood vessels responsible for transfer of oxygen to the cerebral spinal fluid of the brain.Drug companies have developed a number of drugs but often they do not work. See for the drugs available.Every drug has a side effect, some of these can be very serious, and some of them can be lethal. When we did chemistry in school we learnt that if we mixed certain chemicals that things happened that were quite different to the effects of the chemicals alone.Similarly when we take a number of prescribed drugs, the effect of the total number of drugs can be quite different to the action of the drug alone. When drugs are approved, it is not possible to run clinical trails where they are testing in combinations with all the other cocktails of drugs that a patient might be taking. So the opposite usually occurs. Expensive trials usually involve a high number of patients and to see the effect of only the drug under consideration-only that drug is given to a patient.The side effects of drugs can be found on different web sites to those of drug companies such as Merck. For a list of the top 200 most commonly prescribed drugs, please go to You can also search for other drugs at this site.Treating Migraine with Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy (PERT)PERT is highly effective against migraine. Within a few days of a daily application of this therapy, migraines usually reduce or cease entirely. Within 6 weeks they no longer occur. How is this so? PERT is very effective on the cardiovascular system. It is likely that the cause of migraines is related to vascular irregularities in the head and brain region and that this causing a deficiency in blood circulation. Also, this condition probably causes a deficiency in oxygen supply to the scalp and inflammation of nerves that contain pain transmitters. PERT is known to cause dilation of blood vessels i.e. it relaxes the smooth muscle of the arteries.Another probable cause of migraine is that the capillaries (small arteries) change the permeability of the cell membrane. Oxygen and other nutrients no longer are able to pass to the head and brain region. This lack of oxygen and nutrients causes the surrounding nerves and brain to register pain and inflammation.PERT with the BRS 500 changes the permeability of cell membranes to permit increased levels of oxygen and nutrients past the cell membrane. It also increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood.When should PERT not be usedA natural therapy has few contra indications.Long-term regular Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy during pregnancy may enhance growth and development of the unborn. (Not scientifically tested)For the same reason, long term regular use on children below the age of 6 years is not recommended.As a precaution people suffering from epilepsy should avoid the use of the rhythmic sound and light stimulation.Electronic implants, such as a pace maker, could be effected by PERT.
Yes 3-5 Regualr Treaments of Bowen Therapy Could easily cure Migraine. But results vary case to case.
Yes 3-5 Regualr Treaments of Bowen Therapy Could easily cure Migraine. But results vary case to case.
Can Bowen be done on Baby ?
Question: Can Bowen be applied on a baby?
Answer: Yes, very young children and very old aged people as well respond very well to Bowen as it is a very soft touch modality. But make sure you are going to an experineced bowen therapist as all of them do not have expertized to do it on young babies. Best would be to find a bowen therapist who specialized in young babies have cured few in the past.
Question: Can I still be on my medication when I do Bowen?
Answer: Yes, Bowen has no effect on your medications at all. But with Bowen therapy you would not require medication as it cure it all naturally.
Question: Do I have to take all my clothes off or few of them for therapy ?
Answer: No, Bowen can successfully be done with all clothing on.
Question: Do I have to have a license to do Bowen?
Answer: Bowen is not Massage, Chiropractic or Osteopathic in nature. It is more a form of reflexing. However, each state has its own rules, so you should check what state of practice you are in.
Question: Does Bowen cure disease?
Answer: No, Bowen seems to turn on the body's own healer within. Many people have reported back amazing results. However Bowen can not gurrantee result, but looking at few case studies it had amazing results. And impact of Bowen will continue to grow on the society.
Answer: Yes, very young children and very old aged people as well respond very well to Bowen as it is a very soft touch modality. But make sure you are going to an experineced bowen therapist as all of them do not have expertized to do it on young babies. Best would be to find a bowen therapist who specialized in young babies have cured few in the past.
Question: Can I still be on my medication when I do Bowen?
Answer: Yes, Bowen has no effect on your medications at all. But with Bowen therapy you would not require medication as it cure it all naturally.
Question: Do I have to take all my clothes off or few of them for therapy ?
Answer: No, Bowen can successfully be done with all clothing on.
Question: Do I have to have a license to do Bowen?
Answer: Bowen is not Massage, Chiropractic or Osteopathic in nature. It is more a form of reflexing. However, each state has its own rules, so you should check what state of practice you are in.
Question: Does Bowen cure disease?
Answer: No, Bowen seems to turn on the body's own healer within. Many people have reported back amazing results. However Bowen can not gurrantee result, but looking at few case studies it had amazing results. And impact of Bowen will continue to grow on the society.
Bowen is Not ....................
1. Bowen is not Massage
Many people often associate Bowen with massage, however, its operation and objectives are quite different. Furthermore, rubbing or even prolonged touching around a Bowen "move" just applied can weaken the effectiveness of the move. Bowen moves go no deeper than fascia on superficially accessible muscles, and only do so with gentle pressure.
2. Bowen is not Acupressure
Some of the areas of focus in a Bowen treatment will coincide with acupuncture points, but there are so many acupressure points that overlap is inevitable. With Bowen "points," though, a more focused intervention is complemented with a more economical application. In the Bowen Technique, one simple move across the structure is all it takes.
3. Bowen is not Chiropractic
No manipulation of the skeletal system is made. Most practitioners and many clients observe vertebral movement, but this is evidence of the body realigning itself and the effectiveness of the Bowen treatment. Chiropractic adjustments following a Bowen treatment are contraindicated.
4 . Bowen is not "Energy Work"
Given its parameters, even energy work can be intrusive. Practitioners can focus too much on accomplishing their own desired results, which may or may not coincide with the client's needs. Instead, Bowen practitioners are taught to focus only on doing a precise movement accurately, and then physically leaving the room.
5. Bowen is not Physiotherapy nor Neuromuscular "Re-Education”
Stretch reflex, Golgi reflex and reciprocal enervation may be involved in the muscular releases, but these occur on a cellular level and expand out physically. In fact, people may fall asleep during a session, and many will not feel the effects for several days. These factors distinguish the Bowen Technique from remedial exercises or movement training that some people need for long-term injury recovery.
6. Bowen in not Trigger-Point Therapy
Some points are unavoidably similar even though the referral zones are different. Most trigger points are found in the core of muscles, while Bowen muscle moves are usually made where two muscles or muscle groups overlap.
7. Bowen is not Fascia Release
With each Bowen move, the fascia is rocked and minutely "disturbed". It is not forcefully separated. After a series of Bowen sessions, adhesions tend to loosen and scar tissue frequently softens and shrinks on its own because impediments to the natural healing process are removed.
8. Bowen is not Lymphatic Massage
Bowen does stimulate lymphatic drainage, in that sinuses will often drain during the session; breast lumps may shrink or be gone within a few weeks; and excess fluids are usually eliminated within the week. Bowen does not use vigorous stroking of lymphatic massage.
9. Bowen is not an Emotional Release Modality
The intent of a Bowen session is not to effect emotional releases. However, some people report the dramatic lightening of spirit and a subtle but pervasive refocusing of troublesome emotional patterns.
Many people often associate Bowen with massage, however, its operation and objectives are quite different. Furthermore, rubbing or even prolonged touching around a Bowen "move" just applied can weaken the effectiveness of the move. Bowen moves go no deeper than fascia on superficially accessible muscles, and only do so with gentle pressure.
2. Bowen is not Acupressure
Some of the areas of focus in a Bowen treatment will coincide with acupuncture points, but there are so many acupressure points that overlap is inevitable. With Bowen "points," though, a more focused intervention is complemented with a more economical application. In the Bowen Technique, one simple move across the structure is all it takes.
3. Bowen is not Chiropractic
No manipulation of the skeletal system is made. Most practitioners and many clients observe vertebral movement, but this is evidence of the body realigning itself and the effectiveness of the Bowen treatment. Chiropractic adjustments following a Bowen treatment are contraindicated.
4 . Bowen is not "Energy Work"
Given its parameters, even energy work can be intrusive. Practitioners can focus too much on accomplishing their own desired results, which may or may not coincide with the client's needs. Instead, Bowen practitioners are taught to focus only on doing a precise movement accurately, and then physically leaving the room.
5. Bowen is not Physiotherapy nor Neuromuscular "Re-Education”
Stretch reflex, Golgi reflex and reciprocal enervation may be involved in the muscular releases, but these occur on a cellular level and expand out physically. In fact, people may fall asleep during a session, and many will not feel the effects for several days. These factors distinguish the Bowen Technique from remedial exercises or movement training that some people need for long-term injury recovery.
6. Bowen in not Trigger-Point Therapy
Some points are unavoidably similar even though the referral zones are different. Most trigger points are found in the core of muscles, while Bowen muscle moves are usually made where two muscles or muscle groups overlap.
7. Bowen is not Fascia Release
With each Bowen move, the fascia is rocked and minutely "disturbed". It is not forcefully separated. After a series of Bowen sessions, adhesions tend to loosen and scar tissue frequently softens and shrinks on its own because impediments to the natural healing process are removed.
8. Bowen is not Lymphatic Massage
Bowen does stimulate lymphatic drainage, in that sinuses will often drain during the session; breast lumps may shrink or be gone within a few weeks; and excess fluids are usually eliminated within the week. Bowen does not use vigorous stroking of lymphatic massage.
9. Bowen is not an Emotional Release Modality
The intent of a Bowen session is not to effect emotional releases. However, some people report the dramatic lightening of spirit and a subtle but pervasive refocusing of troublesome emotional patterns.
Treating a Frozen Shoulder with Bowen

Treating Dennis first presented to me in March of this year, having read of the Bowen Technique`s effectiveness in treating Frozen Shoulder.
He was at first very sceptical but willing to try anything after being told by his GP, a chiropractor and a specialist that nothing could be done to relieve his symptoms.
Dennis had fallen on black ice 15 months previously, leaving him with restriction and intense pain in his shoulder and also deadness tingling down his arm. In addition, he suffered severe neck pain and restriction, diagnosed as cervical spondylitis some 20 years previously, as well as extremely painful knees which was preventing him from being able to walk his dogs.
However, Dennis`s main concern was his shoulder pain (frozen shoulder) which was severely affecting his quality of life.
Bowen Therapy Treatment Schedule
Week 1The first Bowen Therapy treatment consisted of the basic relaxation moves to balance and prepare the body for more targeted moves the following week.
Week 2In the second week I used Bowen Therapy techniques to works on Dennis`s shoulders and arms in addition to the basic moves.
Week 3By week 3, Dennis had hardly any pain in his shoulder with the added bonus that his knees were no longer painful. However, he still had neck pain which needing treating.
The next wave of Bowen Therapy treatments were concentrated on his neck to try and ease his neck pain. Within 10 days of concentrating on this area his neck pain had completely gone and he was pain free.
I carried out Bowen Therapy treatment on a bi weekly basis and then on a monthly basis.The pain from the cervical spondylitis in Dennis`s neck has been kept under control and to date there has been no re-occurrence of the shoulder pain or knee pain. The result was that Dennis can now enjoy walking his dogs
Bowen Therapy was in July 04 Isuue of Oprah Winfrey's "O" Magazine !
In the July 04 issue of Oprah Winfrey’s “O” Magazine.
Bowen Therapy is noted in Oprah’s magazine as being an “innovative body therapy, the rolling movements prompting certain cells to send a signal to the brain that produces muscular relaxation.”
SUNDAY TIMES, Style Magazine… Bowen has had good results with musculo-skeletal conditions, especially frozen shoulder and tennis elbow.
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH… One real advantage of Bowen over other ‘alternative’ therapies is that many complaints are said to be treated after just two or three sessions, making Bowen treatment easier on the wallet.
BEST MAGAZINE… My back pair went from a dull ache to no ache! It was fantastic!
THE EXPRESS… Derek Jameson was ‘absolutely flabbergasted’ when just after a few sessions of this gentle hands-on therapy his frozen shoulder problem was resolved.
NEW FOREST POST… This is such a wonderful relaxing treatment, that one can easily drift off into a peaceful sleep.
IRISH EXAMINER… It is another of those mysterious therapies but what is clear is that it works!
THE SUN… The Bowen Technique is a hands-on therapy which really works.
BOURNEMOUTH ECHO… Bowen can be applied to most problems and all ages as it is gently holistic and works by harnessing the body’s own healing powers.
HEALTH AND FITNESS MAGAZINE… Some clients return for regular sessions simply for balancing and relaxation. It can be a form of protection as well. For some sports people it can actually enhance their performance.
HELLO MAGAZINE… The Bowen Technique is called by one osteopath ‘probably the most important healthcare discovery in human history’
Bowen Therapy is noted in Oprah’s magazine as being an “innovative body therapy, the rolling movements prompting certain cells to send a signal to the brain that produces muscular relaxation.”
SUNDAY TIMES, Style Magazine… Bowen has had good results with musculo-skeletal conditions, especially frozen shoulder and tennis elbow.
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH… One real advantage of Bowen over other ‘alternative’ therapies is that many complaints are said to be treated after just two or three sessions, making Bowen treatment easier on the wallet.
BEST MAGAZINE… My back pair went from a dull ache to no ache! It was fantastic!
THE EXPRESS… Derek Jameson was ‘absolutely flabbergasted’ when just after a few sessions of this gentle hands-on therapy his frozen shoulder problem was resolved.
NEW FOREST POST… This is such a wonderful relaxing treatment, that one can easily drift off into a peaceful sleep.
IRISH EXAMINER… It is another of those mysterious therapies but what is clear is that it works!
THE SUN… The Bowen Technique is a hands-on therapy which really works.
BOURNEMOUTH ECHO… Bowen can be applied to most problems and all ages as it is gently holistic and works by harnessing the body’s own healing powers.
HEALTH AND FITNESS MAGAZINE… Some clients return for regular sessions simply for balancing and relaxation. It can be a form of protection as well. For some sports people it can actually enhance their performance.
HELLO MAGAZINE… The Bowen Technique is called by one osteopath ‘probably the most important healthcare discovery in human history’
BOWEN TECHNIQUE Developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen
BOWEN TECHNIQUE Developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen of Australia in the 1960s and 1970s, this hands-on, light-touch body therapy consists of gentle rolling movements over muscle bellies and tendons to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. Originally intended to help people suffering from muscular-skeletal problems, Bowen Technique has also been successful with many other conditions, including asthma and respiratory ailments in children and pre-teens. Click here to find an Bowen Technique practitioner.
Bowen therapy can help asthma sufferers

If you’re an asthma sufferer you probably don’t go anywhere without your inhaler. The inconvenience of remembering to carry your inhaler is insignificant given its effects on an asthma attack. However, complete reliance on such an item means you’re left wide-open should it be forgotten. Your asthma attack may be triggered by pet hair, hay fever or over-exerting yourself. For some, spending time outdoors during the winter can increase asthma attacks to the point that they become a daily occurrence. That trigger of cold air and environmental pollution can cause asthma sufferers to sit down and catch their breath while using their inhaler to get things under control. Not much fun when you’re going about your daily routine - work, rest or play.
Bowen therapy has for many people meant they can have less dependence on their inhaler. Bowen technique therapy is an alternative and complementary therapy that can help asthma sufferers ease their symptoms and get their condition under control. While not a cure for asthma, Bowen therapy has become a well-documented way for adults and children to get relief from their condition.
Bowen therapy for the relief of asthma
Bowen therapy is used for a variety of problems but typically treats conditions involving the muscles, bones and joints of the body. Back pain, neck pain and joint pain along with migraines, IBS and anxiety can all benefit from Bowen therapy. For asthma relief, many people have found they have less dependence on their inhalers after as few as four sessions with a Bowen therapy practitioner.
During a session, a Bowen therapist will find out what it is that triggers your asthma. They will discover from you how the asthma behaves when it is at its worst, and then after it is treated with medication. The Bowen therapist will then use some standard Bowen manipulation techniques before using treatments that are specifically designed for asthma. The methods that a Bowen therapist uses consist of a series of gentle rolling movements across the muscles. These movements trigger nerve impulses that send information to the brain and between each series of movements the body is given a chance to rest so the brain can absorb that information. This is Bowen therapy’s treatment key as it gives the body a chance to respond before the next movements take place.
Bowen therapy works on asthma by breaking the asthma trigger. Our body is capable of preventing asthma so the therapy helps that natural ability to find ways to stop the trigger that causes an asthma response. Bowen therapy methods stimulate the internal systems that help the body deal with conditions such as asthma.
Asthma improves after having Bowen therapy
Many asthma patients are experiencing significant improvement, and for some complete recovery, after as few as four Bowen therapy sessions. Ideally people should return for top-up sessions which will serve as a reminder to the body on how to stop the asthma trigger.
Bowen therapists are also able to instruct patients on an ‘emergency move’ should an asthma attack occur. The move involves pushing the thumb into the stomach area and can break even the most serious of asthma attacks. Bowen therapy is gaining acceptance as a good way to help asthma sufferers with many GPs and physiotherapists finding it helps their patients. Consult with your doctor and local Bowen therapist to see how Bowen therapy can help you.
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Bowen Therapy, Bowen Technique, Bowen Therapist, My Bowen Therapist.
Bowen therapy is best technique to cure back pain, frozen shoulders, sicatica and many more diseases.
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- How To Help Fibromyalgia Sufferers Using The Bowen...
- Bowen Technique and Importance of Water
- What is Migrain ? Can Bowen Therapy Cure Migrain ?
- Can Bowen be done on Baby ?
- Bowen is Not ....................
- Treating a Frozen Shoulder with Bowen
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Ailment: Arthritis Treatment: Bowen TherapyClient: Pam A 61 year old lady, found Bowen treatments previously for her sciatica with her si...
The therapist touches and lightly squeezes the migraine patient in a few places and then leaves the room for two minutes. He repeats this pr...
&A: What is swine flu? Posted Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:11pm AEST Updated Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:44pm AEST Slideshow: Photo 1 of 2 Swine flu has k...
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If you’re an asthma sufferer you probably don’t go anywhere without your inhaler. The inconvenience of remembering to carry your inhaler is ...
Good Night Sleep is Very Important to cure All the Pains and Mental Tension. Good Night Sleep is the key to very healthy body and healthy mi...
Bowen therapy is defined as a touch treatment, wherein the therapist makes use of rolling movements over the muscles using their fingers; t...
Bowen Therapy is an extremely gentle and effective therapy for the relief of pain and symptoms. Bowen Therapy typically gets to the very cor...